
5.2K 72 10

Hey guys! I know that you guys are probably upset that this isn't a chapter, and I'm sorry about that. I am currently working on it and it should be out either tomorrow or Thursday. I had a dentist appointment today and now my mouth is numb. That's besides the point, though. I made this for a different reason.

I just wanted to thank you guys because we passed 16K reads! I honestly wasn't even thinking that people would actually read this story. The amount of reads actually grew really quickly and I just wasn't expecting it. I'm honestly so happy and grateful that all of you guys like this story. I put so much hard work into this and I have so many ideas for it. I just love you guys so much.

I was also thinking about doing a Q&A for you guys! You can ask me anything about myself, this story, any stories that I write, basically anything. I will be answering all of your questions and all you have to do is leave your questions in the comments of this chapter.

Some examples of questions you could ask me are like what's my name, why did I write this story, etc.

 I'll either make a new chapter for the Q&A or just add onto this one. Don't be afraid to ask your questions because I am not the type of person to judge you for that and what you want to know. I am again sorry that this is not the chapter, it will be coming very soon. Thank you again for 16K reads and I can't wait to answer your questions.

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