{5} Car Wash on Fire... Literally

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I sat with Jenna in the kitchen as she worked on her work for school.  It wasn't time to go to school yet so I had absolutely nothing to do. It was boring not to have anything to do. I would usually hang out with my friends when I went to Hogwarts and we didn't have any work to do. I was just left with my own devices now.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Elena walked into the kitchen, "Jenna! Prim! Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?"

I looked up at her, "Oh! You saw her, too?" Vicki was currently with Jeremy upstairs. I had woken up and ended up almost running into her in the hallway. She gave me a literal heart attack. I about pulled my wand out on her, she scared me so bad. Elena nodded.

Jenna nodded at Elena's question, "Uh-huh."

"And you have no objection?" Elena questioned.

"He could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak her in and out," Jenna said. Elena started to make herself a bowl of cereal. Jenna was a really laid back person. "Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner."

"Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're gonna go out with Logan." Elena started to tease her.

I shook my head with a smile, "Not quite."

"I'm going to show up and torture him, yes," Jenna corrected her. Jenna had told me all about her plan last night. It amused me very much and I was laughing the whole time she explained it to me which made her hit me with a pillow, "And have you heard from Stefan?"

Elena's face turned into annoyance, "Not since he left that very vague message three days ago," Elena deepened her voice and started to mock the message she had received, "'Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days.'"

Jenna smiled at her niece with amusement, "Haven't you called him?"

"Nope. Not going to either." Elena stated.

I nodded, "Good. It's good to be independent." That's one thing that Hermione has drilled into my head. I don't need a boy to have fun. All I need to be happy is myself and a few of my friends. She would tell me this whenever I would get mad at Ron for doing something stupid.

"And you're okay with everything?" Jenna kept pushing.

Elena set the milk down, harshly, "No, I'm not okay with any of it. But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Prim is right. I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy."

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