{17} The Tomb

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Of course, the door would be locked. Why did I expect anything different? It's not like the Salvatores would leave their door unlocked so any hostile vampire, or other creature, could waltz right in. I hadn't wasted any time getting to the Salvatore Boarding House after I volunteered to talk to Damon. Elena was against the whole idea and said that he might get mad and try to hurt me. I just thought it was stupid. If Damon wanted to hurt me then he would've done it already.

It was actually pretty simple to get inside. I just used a spell to unlock the door. I would've knocked, but... Where was the fun in that? If we had the talk at the door then Damon would probably just shut the door in my face. But if we have the talk inside then he would just walk away and I could easily follow him. It was a pretty solid plan.

I walked around the house, looking in all the rooms for any sign of Damon. I finally found him in the library. He was putting on his jacket and looked like he was about to go somewhere. He stopped and looked up at me. He must've heard me come in. "I'm gonna have to change the locks. How'd you get in?" Damon picked up a thick book. That must be Emily's grimoire.

His question was something to laugh at for sure, but I didn't. I leaned against the bookshelf near me and held up my wand for him to see, "I'm surprised you ask that."

"I guess I'm going to have to get magic proof locks then," Damon remarked.

I laughed a little at this, "Like that could keep me away." I could always get in through the windows... Or just have Stefan let me in if he was here. Like I said before though, where's the fun in that? It's a lot more exhilarating to break in if you ask me.

Damon had a smirk on his face as I said this, "I didn't know you wanted to see me that badly," I gave him a small shrug. He wasn't that bad of a person to be around. He was an entertaining one. "What are you here for?"

This was it. This was the moment where I had to try and convince him to take the help that was being offered. I just hoped that my convincing would work, "Stefan and Elena managed to convince Bonnie to help you."

"I doubt that." The smirk had fallen off of his face.

I knew this was going to be difficult, but I couldn't stop myself from hoping that it would be easy. I walked to the small sets of stairs that lead to the sunken part of the room where Damon stood. Come on, Prim. You got this. "I knew that you wouldn't believe it. But I can vouch for them," Damon looked like he wanted to laugh, "I was there when she agreed. Of course, she was against the idea, but she was convinced to finally do it," Damon still wasn't convinced. "Look, I'm sorry about what Stefan and Elena did to you. You didn't deserve that at all. They shouldn't have lied to you. I even told them that when they came to the house that night. They shouldn't have pulled a dirty trick like that and you don't have to forgive them. All you wanted was to see Katherine again and they tried to keep that from happening. I would feel the same way if they did that to me."

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