{10} Emily

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We met up with Stefan and went to where we knew that Bonnie would've been. The church that she had been telling Elena about. Elena said that the girl was having dreams/visions about it. Apparently, she had even woken up there a few times. Where else would she be? When we got there, we saw Bonnie drawing something in the dirt with a long stick. Damon was on the ground in front of her with a tree branch sticking out of him.

"It hurts. This is why I feed on people." Damon said when Stefan pulled the stick out of him. I cringed at the sound that it had made when being pulled out. You think I would be used it because of when George had his ear took off, but nope. Not even close.

"Stefan." Emily addressed him.

Stefan turned his head to look at her, "Hello, Emily."

Emily was basically glaring at the two of them, "These people don't deserve this. They should never have to know such evil."

Stefan took a few steps closer to her, "What do you mean evil?"

"Emily. I swear to God, I'll make you regret this." Damon was having trouble getting up from the ground. He grunted and ended up falling back down again. I couldn't bring myself to say or do anything. I didn't know what to do and it scared me.

Emily stared pointedly at Damon, "I won't let you unleash them into this world."

"Them?" Stefan asked. He looked to Damon with a worried expression, "What part of the story did you leave out, Damon?"

"What does it matter?" Damon inquired.

"Emily, tell me what you did," Stefan demanded. 

Emily had a stone-cold expression, "To save her, I had to save them." I've seen that expression many times and each time it wasn't good. Things were going to go bad, I could feel it in my bones and in my veins.

"You saved everyone in the church?" By Stefan's tone of voice, I knew my suspicions were confirmed.

"With one, comes all," Emily said.

"I don't care about them," Damon grabbed onto Stefan's arm and pulled himself up. He stared at Emily with wide eyes, "I just want Katherine."

Stefan held Damon up so he could talk with him, "I knew I shouldn't have believed a single word that comes out of your mouth. This isn't about love, is it? This is about revenge."

Damon broke away from him, "The two aren't mutually exclusive." My gaze went from them to Emily. I walked closer to the scene and watched what she was doing very closely. She was still drawing patterns into the ground.

My eyes widened when I realized something, "Guys," She was drawing a pentagram in the dirt. She was going to do a ritual and the bad thing was that I didn't know if it was good or bad. I wasn't very good at learning pentagrams in school. I was trying to keep myself from dying and I was trying to save Hogwarts for the millionth time. The boys had ignored me and kept arguing. "Guys!" I yelled. This caught their attention and they looked over at me. 

Their gaze went to Emily as she said, "Things are different now."

Damon shook his head and his voice was pleading, "Don't do this." I looked over at him with slight shock. From the short time I had known him, I had never heard him speak like that. With so much desperation in his voice.

"I can't free them. I won't," Her arms rose, "Incendia!" The pentagram around her blazed with fire. I jumped back a bit when a flame almost hit me. There was now a wall of flame between us and Emily.

"No! No, please." Damon called out.

"Bonnie!" Elena also called out as she came running to us. I forgot that Stefan had made her stay back. I thought she was with us the whole time

I looked over at her, "She's not Bonnie right now! This is Emily!"

"No!" Emily threw the necklace into the air and it exploded above us. Once the spell was over with, I could feel Emily's presence leave and Bonnie had come back. Bonnie looked around with horror and it was obvious she had no idea what had happened. The flames died down and Damon took this as his chance. I watch in terror and he ran forward and bit Bonnie.

Elena yelled in fear. I aimed my wand at him and said, "Flipendo!" He went flying back and Bonnie fell to the ground. We ran over to her and Stefan checked her pulse.

"She's alive, but barely," This made my racing heart calm down and I let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't bear to see another person that I cared about to die, "I can save her." He bit into his wrist and opened Bonnie's mouth. He positioned his wound over her mouth and the blood dripped inside. He brought his wrist away and the wound closed up.

"Her neck, it's healing," Elena stated the obvious.


Everything had calmed down after a little bit. Bonnie was now up and moving around. She was panicked still and didn't know what was going on. She kept asking so many questions that I didn't know how to answer. "I don't understand, Elena, Prim, what happened to me? He attacked me, and his face was like..," Bonnie looked at me, "And you pulled out... That," Pointing to my wand which I had yet to put away, "And he went flying back..."

Elena ignored her questions, "How do you feel? Are you okay?"

"Are you still feeling any pain?" I questioned as I put a comforting hand on her arm.

"I'm fine. It's just this blood. I don't..." Bonnie had her hand over where her wound was. Bonnie looked behind us and had a frightened look. I looked over my shoulder to see Stefan walking towards us.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." Stefan tried to put her worries at ease.

Bonnie ignored him, "What's going on, Elena?" Elena said nothing. She looked over at me, "Prim?"

I knew that Elena was wanting a moment alone with Stefan so I did what I could to give her that. I started leading Bonnie to the car, "We'll explain everything once we get back okay. Let's just get you out of here. Come on." Bonnie slowly started walking to the car. I let out a sigh, this was going to be very hard to explain.

 I let out a sigh, this was going to be very hard to explain

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