{14} The Breaking Point

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It was dead silent in the room. Elena was too shocked to talk. She just stared at me with wide eyes and her mouth kept opening and closing like a fish out of water. I could care less about how she felt right now. I was always constantly looking out for other people and how they were feeling, but barely anybody checked on how I felt. Or they did and they took my casual, 'Fine,' as a good answer.

I was just suddenly filled with anger. I had been holding all of this back for so long that it finally exploded. So here I am not, throwing all of this on Elena. I laughed grimly, "But honestly, when have I ever been normal?" I ran a hand through my hair, "I only showed you what I wanted you to see for so long. You have no idea who I really am, Elena. You might think you do, but you don't."

"What are you talking about?" Elena's eyes started to water.

If I weren't so upset, then I probably would have felt bad about making her cry. But it was true. She didn't really know the real me. No one here in Mystic Falls did. The only people who knew who I really was were either dead or on the other side of the ocean.

"I have been feeling like absolute shit since the whole war in the Wizarding World broke out. I was feeling terrible even before then," I had gone into what seemed like full hysterics. "You have no idea how stressful it was to be the so-called 'Chosen One.' It was like everyone expected me to always be the one to save them when I didn't even know how! I was a kid! Do you know how stressful it was to constantly be in the public eye and to always have to save everyone? Everyone saw me as some kind of savior instead of who I really was... A kid! A kid who lost her parents and was thrown into a world she knew nothing about!"

"Prim-" Elena started.

I just shook my head at her, "Just don't."

This was the part where she would try to console me. This is the part where she would say, "Oh, it's okay. I understand how you feel." No, you don't. Literally, no one does. Not even Hermione. Hermione did help me save Hogwarts multiple times, but she wasn't the one who was always being credited for it. Which she honestly should have gotten a lot more credit than she did. I was always the one who was looked up to and it was so stressful. It was like I wasn't even a person to them.

"Prim, just calm down and talk with me," Elena said.

That was when I lost it completely, "Talk with you? You never wanted me to talk with you before. And when you did, it was only because you were curious as to why I was acting weirder than normal. You weren't actually worried about me," I could see Elena starting to say something, but she didn't. She knew it was true. I could feel myself starting to cry, "You are so lucky. Luckier than me. You didn't have to see people die. You didn't have to fight in a war that you never wanted to happen. You weren't abused by the only family you had left while you were growing up. You got to grow up with both of your parents and Jeremy. You got to have a normal, typical life. You got to have these amazing and regular moments. And I can't have them!"

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