{4} Behind Closed Doors

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I heard the happy cheers, the trumpets around me and I knew that we were away... Away from him. No one seemed to noticed that I was not happy. That I was crying over the loss of a great friend. Cedric had helped me so much and he didn't even have to. That was the kind of person he was. Now... He's gone. All I could think was that it was my fault. I should've stopped Peter Pettigrew when I had the chance, but I didn't and someone else had to pay for my actions.

No one noticed how still Cedric was. I could hear whistles and the sound of footsteps walking down to us. How could no one notice? Didn't they see? He wasn't moving! Then I heard it... A scream. Some people were still cheering, not knowing what exactly happened. I felt hands on my shoulders and Dumbledore saying, "Prim!"

He tried to pull my shaking, crying form away from him. I wouldn't have it, though. "No," I screamed at him. He still kept trying to pull me away, "No! Stop it! Just let me go!"

Cornelius Fudge ran over to us saying, "For God's sake, Dumbledore! What happened?" He didn't seem to notice either.

I looked up at Dumbledore with tears running down my face. I couldn't stop them. I don't think I ever could stop them at this point. "He's back! Voldemort's back," My voice broke. I couldn't get the image out of my head not matter how much I tried. It was there every time I closed my eyes, "Cedric asked me to bring his body back... I couldn't just leave him there! I couldn't- I-" I cut myself off as I let out another sob.

Dumbledore put his hands on either side of the face, "It's alright, Prim. It's alright," No matter how much he told me this, I wouldn't believe him. Cedric was dead! It's never going to be alright because someone is dead. How is someone dying alright? I... I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want Cedric to die. I didn't... "He's home. You both are."

I could hear Fudge saying something, but I tuned him out. I was so caught up in my grief that I could care less about what he had to say. It didn't matter right now. I just wanted to be in my common room, away from all of this. I wanted to talk to Hermione and Ron. I wanted Cedric to be alive.

"Let me through. Let me through," I heard Amos, Cedric's father, yell. I could hear him running over to where I was laying on the floor with Cedric. "That's my son! That's my boy," He got down on his hands and knees, staring down at his son's face, "That's my boy!" He sounded completely broken because he was. His son had died... And I let it happen. The last thing I saw before I woke up was that I was being dragged away.

My eyes shot open and I could feel tears on my face. I was crying. I was breathing deeply and my heart was racing. I haven't had that dream in awhile and it just decided to come back to haunt me. I still blamed myself to this day. Maybe if I would've just done something, anything, then he would be alive. But I didn't... And because of that his parents have to live without a son. I couldn't bring myself to get up.

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