{19} Like Old Times

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School was not in the cards for me today. I thought about going, I really did, but that didn't last long. It was way too tempting to just stay in bed all day. Besides, I felt like something was going to happen. I'm not sure what yet, but it's something. It was around three PM before I got up out of bed. I had walked downstairs and nobody was home. Where they were? I had absolutely no clue. I tried looking for them at first and then gave up when I didn't see anyone. They were all most likely out somewhere. Seems like everyone had a life except for me.

That was going to change today. It all started when I heard a knock on the door. I was sitting on the couch while I watched some soap opera that had been playing on the TV. I turned my head toward the door and narrowed my eyes at it. It couldn't have been Jenna, Elena, or Jeremy. They all had keys to get into the house. Slowly, I stood up and started heading toward the door. A knock sounded again as I finally stood in front of it. I looked through the peephole, almost freaking out at who I saw.

A big grin took over my features as I tried not to squeal. I hurriedly unlocked the door and threw it open. Standing there in all her glory was one beautiful Hermione Granger. She grinned back at me, "Hello, Prim."

I threw my arms around the girl while laughing, "Hermione! I can't believe you're here!" I hugged her tightly before freezing. I grabbed her by the shoulders and held her at arms length, "Why are you here?" I looked over her shoulder, trying to see if there was anything suspicious nearby. "Is there something going on?"

"Is it hard to believe that I would be here just to see my best friend?" She inquired.

Stopping, I looked her straight in the eyes, "Knowing our lives, yes," The two of us laughed. "I have the perfect place we could go to hang out!" I told her. I quickly got on some better clothes and shoes. Locking the door behind me, the two of us made our way to the Grill so we could catch up. Since it was getting later, the Grill was starting to get packed. I led Hermione over to a booth and we sat down. Ordering some food, the two of us started talking. "So how did you get here? Isn't school still going on?"

The bushy-haired girl nodded, "Yes, but I got ahead in my classes so Headmistress McGonagall would let me leave to see you." I giggled a little. As expected of Hermione Granger. Always the smartest one out of our whole school. I remember when I was still going to Hogwarts and would always ask her help with certain subjects. The only thing she was ever bad at was Divination.

"Well, I am glad you are here," I started. I leaned forward and whispered, "You have no idea how much supernatural stuff happens around here. It's crazy."

A hum came from Hermione as she sipped her drink, "About that, you have yet to tell me everything that's happened." That's right! I forgot to keep her updated. She had asked me to since she was worried. It became a lot harder with more and more stuff coming up. I've barely had any time to relax.

Before I could tell her anything, the sound of people walking up to us caught our attention. I looked over to see Elena and Stefan coming our way. Elena smiled, "Hey, Prim!" Stefan greeted me as well and I nodded to them. "We saw you hanging out over here and wanted to come say hi," Elena's gaze moved to Hermione, "Who is this?"

My gaze flitted over to Hermione for a second before looking back at Elena. I was tempted to lie seeing as that's what I used to do. It's like I forgot that she and Stefan knew everything already. I smiled and introduced her, "Elena, Stefan, this is Hermione. My best friend from my old school," I turned back to Hermione, "Hermione, this is my cousin, Elena, and her boyfriend, Stefan," The three of them exchanged greetings. "She stopped by to visit. What are you guys doing here?"

"Double date with Matt and Caroline," Stefan responded.

"Speaking of which, we should probably head over there now," Elena gestured with her hand over to where Matt and Caroline were waiting. "It was nice to meet you, Hermione."

"You too." She said back. Stefan and Elena left the two of us alone to go over to Matt and Caroline. I could see Caroline eagerly start talking with Elena and I knew she was probably asking about us. "So Stefan is a vampire?" I nodded in confirmation. "He doesn't really look like the type." I agreed with her, chuckling. The two of us continued to talk about anything and everything that came to mind. It was nice to finally talk with her in person. It's been the most fun I've had in a while. It was like old times... Except for one thing.


Eventually, Hermione and I had come back home. No one was home yet so it was just us two. After a while of hanging out, talking, laughing, watching stuff on the TV which we made fun of that resulted in more laughing, it was time for Hermione to go. The both of us stood in front of the door. I stared at her with sad eyes as she started to get herself ready to leave. From what she told me, she was having someone from the school come get her.

Hermione turned to me with a small smile, "Well, this is it."

"Are you sure you can't just stay here for the rest of your life?" I joked with her. A laugh was my response. "But really, I am going to miss you so much. Sure, I have friends here, but they are nothing compared to you." None of them really understand me and what I went through either. With Hermione, I didn't have to worry about that. She had lived through most of the stuff that happened to me. She understood because she was there.

I was pulled into a hug which I accepted gratefully. I took a deep breath as I savored the moment. It would be quite a while before we saw each other again and I knew that. I wasn't sure if I was prepared for that. Hermione pulled away, "Promise me that you'll be okay?" My shoulders dropped, everything I told her worried her. I knew it would. "Promise me that you won't get into too much danger. That you'll be smart about your choices and you won't get too involved with this vampire stuff."

The look I gave her did nothing to ease her fears, "I can promise to be safe and not make dumb choices, yes," I let out a sigh, "But promising not to be involved is something I can't do. I'm already involved and I can't leave Elena to deal with this by herself. She is new to the supernatural and I need to be there to help her."

The pain in her eyes hit me hard, "I can't lose you, Prim. We already lost Ron. We only have each other," Her voice was shaky and I could see tears starting to build up in her eyes. "Losing you would kill me." I pulled her into another hug. The two of us stood in front of the door, afraid of letting the other go in fear of being torn away from each other. Sadly, we did have to separate from each other.

"I promise to be as careful as I can, okay?" I gripped her hands tightly, "Neither of us will ever be alone."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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