Your Mine, I'm Yours

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*At the beginning of the story it's 2010, before the boys get formed into a band.*

Chapter One

I’m sitting in the classroom, bored as usual. Thank god my best friend, Zayn Malik, is in Biology with me. If he wasn’t. I don’t know what I’d do. I look out the window. It's a beautiful day.

When the bell rings for lunch, me and your other friends Brittney and Shay grab a seat in the cafeteria. Zayn and his friends are sitting at the next table. Zayn looks at you. I look at him, too, and I can’t help but smile at him.

"When will you tell him?" Shay asks me. Britt and Shay are the only ones who know what I like—well, love, if truth be told, Zayn.

"I think I will tell him...” I pause and pretend to think about it. “Not at all." you respond to her. Shay and Brit can’t hold back laughs.

"You guys have been good—no, great—friends for so long, why wouldn’t you?" Britt tells me.

"Just on that account! I do not want to ruin our friendship."

I look back over, and I see Zayn coming over to our table. "Carly ? Can I talk to you?" Zayn asked. I could tell he had something on his mind,  by the sort of shy note in his voice, and by the lost-puppy like look on his face. I nod, and get up.

Together  we walk to the park, across the street from our school. Zayn turns to me, looking me straight into my eyes. "Carly ... I do not know how to tell you but ...." He paused, struggling with his words.  Something very unusual for him.

"Zayn, we have been absolute best friends for 5 years. You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"

He nods, smiles, and looks me straight into my eyes. "Carly ... I think I'm in love with you!" Shocked. I was speechless. I’d felt this way about him since we met 5 years ago, when we were eleven. He’d been the new kid in town, and had moved in next door to me. "I want to ask you if you’ll be my girlfriend?"

My heart is beating like crazy. I must be dreaming. “Yes, yes I will be with you!"

 "Really?" Zayn seems just as surprised as I was.

"Yes. Zayn, I’ve loved you since the day we met!" Zayn smiles, pulls me close and kisses me passionately.

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