Done with the Press

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Chapter 15 Paige PoV

I ran out of the hotel with tears running down my face. "Paige, come back!" Harry called. I didn't listen. I just kept running.

Why i'd gone on Perez Hilton's blog in the first place, i don't know. I hated him before, and i hated him even more now. He'd just published an artice about Harry--and there were pictures, lots of pictures of him out with other girls.

I knew Harry was a bit of a flirt but I hadn't expected that he'd been sneaking around, seeing all these other girls. Apparently it had been going on for months now...

And it wasn't just Perez who'd been posting this stuff...several celebrity blogs had. Of course, this reminder made me burst into tears, again.

This really wasn't how I wanted to spend my last day in London. I'd be going back to the States for university, in New York, and i had to leave tomorrow so i could be back in time to start classes.

I looked down at my phone. Harry had called, and texted me. "Leave me alone, Harry," i mumbled. I sat down on a bench, taking deep breaths until I could calm down. It started to downpour, but I didn't care. I stayed at the bench. I didn't want to go back to the hotel, but i couldn't think of anywhere else to go.

Soon enough, Harry came running up to me. "Paige, are you crazy?! Come with me!" I let him bring me inside some shop or other. He takes his jacket off and wraps it around my shoulders. "Don't ever do that again. You had me worried!" he says. I couldn't speak to him. I didn't know what to say, or even what to think. Not after what i'd heard, not after I'd seen all those pictures. So, i looked away.

"Paige...look at me." he gently turns me so i'm looking at him again. "There were never any other girls, I promise. The press just took pictures of us, or me and Gemma or my mom and photoshopped them, i swear. I've never cheated on you."

"Harry..." i begin, still not sure of what to say.

Our lips crash together. "I love you, Paige. No one else." He wraps me in a hug, and I immediately feel the truth behind his words.

"I love you too," I tell him. He brings his car to the front of the store, and we drive back to the hotel.


"I am so done with the press," I tell Danielle and Carly. We're having kind of a lazy day in our hotel room. I'm kidn of dissapointed, 'cause it's our last night here in London.

"Why? What've they said now?" Carly asks. She shifts her weight, making her stomach appear bigger than it is. She's got a small baby bump. I think she's only three months pregnant so she's got a while yet.

"That Harry's been cheating on me. With several other girls." I tell them.

"That's awful!" Danielle exclaims.

"Yeah. The worst part is, i almost believed it," I reply. "But it's all rumors. Just stupid rumors."


So this was just a little filler chapter, let me know what you think :) i'll update again soon, this time it'll be a little closer to the main characters haha! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2012 ⏰

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