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Quick authors note--the only reason i'm using Cher Lloyd as this hateful girl who management wants Zayn to get with is just because she used to be managed by Modest! too. My portrayal of her in this story in no way reflects my real opinion of her.

Chapter 11-Carly PoV.

I woke up the next morning and crept across the hall to the boys room. They were all awake...except my sleepyhead, of course. I went to go and wake him up--to find out the job was already taken.

A girl, about my age, was in his room, gently shaking him awake. "Zaaayn," she drew out in a singsong voice. I thought I recognized her from somewhere, but I couldn't really put a name to the face. I'm instantly curious as to why she is in my boyfriends hotel room.

I snort. "Your not gunna get him up that way," i tell the curly-haired girl.

"Then how? I've been trying for a while now!"

"Doesn't matter. Leave my boyfriend to me!" I go up to the bed, where Zayn is turned so he's laying on his back. "Morning sweetheart!" I say, and give him a kiss. He sleepily opens his eyes and smiles upon seeing me.

"Hey babe," he says, kissing me back. He tugs me down so I'm laying down on the bed with him. The girl had left as soon as he had kissed me, but then came back in. "Um..Zayn, your breakfasts ready!"

He gives her a quizzical look. "Uh, thanks...but me and Carly were gunna go for breakfast," he tells the girl.

She looks dissapointed for a moment, but then her perky smile makes a re-appearance. "Oh, okay. I'm sure Niall will find room for your extras!" she giggles and flits out of the room. We go into the main room.

"Zayn, you don't know what your missing! Cher's a great cook!" Niall exclaims.

Zayn gives Niall a pointed look. "Sorry to dissapoint you, mate. But you know, i made plans. With my girlfriend."

We're about to head out the door, when I realize I left my purse back in his room. As I pass Cher on the way in, i hear her say "not for long..."


Kay yeah, i'm gunna be evil and stop it right there. Let me know what you think! :) x

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