Accidentally...In Love?

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Soo...this might be a little longer of an update cause I've got lots planned! Oh and i'm going to be switching around POV's a little in this chapter.

Chapter 13

Louis POV.

"Alright lads, i'm going out! See you!" i pulled on my Toms and walked down the street to this little coffee shop I knew about. Thankfully no one recognized me as Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. I got in line behind a really pretty blonde haired girl. When she paid for her coffee, she turned around and tripped, spilling her coffee all over me. "Shit! I'm so sorry!" she says.

"It's okay, love. Accidents happen." I help her clean up the mess and wipe off what i can of the coffee from my shirt.

"Thanks again for helping me, I swear I'm not usually that clumsy!"

"No worries. I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

"I'm Joal, Macleod." she smiles. "Say, i think I know you from somewhere."

"You might just," I smile knowingly. Does this girl not realize i'm in one of the most famous boybands in the world right now? I think so. That's not bad though, maybe i'll finally meet someone I know who likes me for me now.

She has to go, but gives me her number, and I give her mine. "My phones usually on, so text or call me whenever," she tells me.

"I will. Have a good day, love!"

"You too, Louis!" she says, and gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek. Unexpected, certainly, but I didn't mind.

For the rest of the day I just kept walking, thinking. Mostly about her. The way her blue eyes had lighten up in embarrasment when she spilled her coffee, the way she laughed at it after the fact. There was just something about her...

and it was driving me crazy. 

Carly POV.

I didn't think anyone would be in the lads hotel room when I got back, except for Zayn. He hadn't been feeling well so he'd stayed home while the rest of us left to run errands or whatever we had to. But, of course, I heard a perky voice. "Oh, Zayn, your so funny!" It was Cher, again.

"Uh. Thanks." he replies.

I hear her sit down on the couch, presumably next to him. I pause in the mini-hallway that leads to the lads' suites' living room. "So. i gotta admit, i really like you!" she says. He says nothing. I hear someone shift their weight on the couch. Then--

the unmistakable sound of a kiss.

Cher. Kissed. Zayn. At that point, i drop my bag. I walk into the room, where she is still trying to push herself up against Zayn. my. Zayn. So, I do whatever any other girlfriend would. I take ahold of that bitches shirt and haul her the fuck off my man. Oh, yeah, and I give her a good punch across the face. Wow. That really must not be good for the baby. Shit. 

"Stay. Away. From. Him." I tell her.


"No "buts" about it!" I show her the ring-finger on my right hand, the one where Zayn's promise ring still is. "You see this ring? It's a promise ring that Zayn gave to me. So you need to stop trying to force yourself on him!"

She seems to get the point, but she starts crying. "Okay...okay. I'll leave him alone..." she leaves in a hurry.

Zayn wraps me in a hug. We have to stand a little bit apart, cause my baby belly keeps growing and growing. "You didn't have to do that, babe," he tells me.

"I know...but first Brittney and now Cher...I can't stand other girls coming after you! Never could, actually."

"I feel the same way, Carly," he tells me, and gives me a soft kiss. "Your mine, don't ever forget that."

"Never. Your mine, too. No one else can have you." I give him another sweet kiss.


ouh, so now Lou might be getting a special lady in his life, thoughts? and awh what a little romantic scene with zayn and carly hehe, well after cher left :P hope you enjoyed! :D

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