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Chapter 8: Carly POV.

Zayn was going to leave in a week, and I would miss him like crazy.

On Friday, we're invited to a party his friend Chris is throwing, and we go. I personally hate to pass up a good party, and so does Zayn, so we went with Shay, and our friends Steph, Mark and Jane. So yeah, the party was well, a party. It was the Grad's final party, kind of like a final goodbye for all of us. So needless to say almost all of the grads were there, including Brittney which i wasn't really that happy about. But anyways we didn't see her for most of the party, so I was fine.

That was until she found us. She was really drunk, more than anybody. Totally oblivious to the fact that I was standing right next to him, she started coming on to Zayn. Again.  "Hey Zayn, you look really sexy tonight!" was the first thing she said, which made me roll my eyes.

"Uh," he replied, not knowing how to respond to that comment. So, the little slut starts grinding up against him. "Brittney stop. I've already told you this, I have a girlfriend. I love her, and i've never liked you that way. Go away."

This upsets her. "Why do you like that little bitch? She doesn't love you Zayn she told me!" She then deliberately steps closer, forcing their lips which point I snap. completely, 100% snap.

Before even Zayn can react, i pull them apart and face Brittney, and ball up my fist. I take a swing at her jaw, and get a direct hit, making her step back from the impact. She comes back at me though, and slaps me across the face. I quickly return with another punch. After that, the people around us, namely Zayn, come to their senses and start dragging me and Brittney apart.

Everything after that's kind of a blur, until I get home, up in my room. I'm really upset about this fight, and i'm crying lots. Zayn stayed with me, and he's trying to calm me down. "Shhh, it's okay," he tells me. He goes to my bureau and hands me a pair of pyjamas. "Go take a shower and you'll feel better."

So, i stumble to the bathroom across the hall and turn the water on. After about 20 minutes of letting the hot water pour down on me, and then get in my pyjamas and get back to my room. I still don't feel that much better, but I guess the shower helped a little. So does the fact that Zayn's still here when i get back to my room, to make sure i'm okay.


Okay so i've decided to do this chapter in 2 parts. This is part 1, the 2nd will be on either late tonight (like in a couple hours) or early tomorrow. Let me know what you think :)


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