the met gala

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hi let's start by saying, ignore my terrible photoshop skills. i was rushing heh. also let's ignore the timeline of this whole story. yes ik the met isn't till like may(?) but we're gonna pretend it's like january rn lols.

📍the metropolitan museum of art

♡  1,982,3728 likesamayarosevega a dream come true @tommyhilfiger #themetgala #amayaxtommy

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amayarosevega a dream come true @tommyhilfiger #themetgala #amayaxtommy

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——amayarosevega I LOVE YOU W ALL MY ❤️
user716 i'm so obsessed
haileybieber so so beautiful
—— amayarosevega thats you 😘
tommyhilfiger 💙

we were in the suite at the plaza hotel that tommy hilfiger had bought us for the evening. my team, shawn's entire team, and a few others were gathered around just sipping on wine or whiskey.
i watched as shawn stood their with some members of his team, laughing at something. a glass of whiskey on the rocks was gripped in his hand. he and i hadn't talked since he was so extremely rude to me after our fitting, and that was okay by me. after tonight, i had no intentions of ever seeing him again. speaking of tonight though, i was quite nervous about having to act friendly on the red carpet and during the event with him.

"you look amazing," penelope said handing me a champagne flute, "and i am so proud of you."

i gave her a warm smile in return. the two of us clinked our glasses together and sipped our drink.
"it can't just be me who think shawn looks sexy as hell tonight," lola, my makeup artist mumbled to me and pen. lola was about two years older than me, and that really helped us become friends, and more than just employee and employer.

"he's a very handsome guy, you're lucky may." penelope nudged me.
this caused me to roll my eyes. "yeah but his personality is shit."
lola and penelope both look at me wide eyes, but before i could continue raven told us it was time to head over to the red carpet. shawn and i would be riding in a limo together.
i chugged the rest of my champagne, and then grabbed penelope's as well, chugging that too.
she looked at me, slightly taken back, but i just ignored it and made my way to where raven and shawn were.

"ok you two, big night," raven clapped, "you both look absolutely amazing. just some last minute reminders. when they ask, you're wearing custom made tommy hilfiger, duh, and always be super smiley, touchy, and comfortable on the red carpet." she looked over at shawn, "make her laugh, have your arm on her waist. anything remotely intimate is exactly what we're going for."
shawn and i merely nodded, but i knew that deep down both of us were not at all excited for this.
raven clapped once again, letting out a soft squeal. josiah, shawn's photographer, and kris, my photographer were both snapping photos of us left and right as we left the hotel.

the limo ride was silent, awkward, and extremely uncomfortable. the tension was lingering in the air.
just before we pulled up to the venue, my heart began racing. i had done runway shows, talk shows, and interviews, but only a handful of red carpet events. none of which were even remotely as big as this one. what if i fell, or someone stepped on the train of my dress and it ripped and my entire ass was exposed?

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