you know you love me

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"wake up sleeping beauty!" cat yelled in my ear while hopping on top of me.

i let out a muffled groan into my pillow. if i didn't love this girl i probably would have kicked her out a long time ago.

"what the hell?" i mumbled, squinting from the sunlight peering in through my window.

"wake up!" she repeated, this time deciding to shake my entire body in the process, "you need to spend some quality time with your best friend."

i lifted my head to shoot the most angry glare at her. "its 8 am. why do we have to do this right now?" 

"becauseeee i have meetings later today and we're both free now!" she whined like a child. 

i huffed and sat up. "fine, im up. what do you want to do? i have a meeting the publicity stunt in like 4 hours, so i'm free till then."

"oh shit. does that mean shawn's coming over before?" cat asked, sitting criss cross on my bed.

i shrugged, tying my hair up into a pony tail. "i don't know. he hasn't said anything yet but i gave him the door code two weeks ago so he might swing by randomly."

"awww how cute." she grinned.

ever since cat found out i had actual feelings for shawn she's been trying to push me to tell him how i feel. i don't think i could ever bring myself to do it though. there was way too much at stake and i was terrified to lose it all.

"i can't believe my best friends in love." she smiled, awing at me.

"shut up cat," i grumbled.

"you need to tell him soon maya," 

i rolled my eyes at the statement she had been making nonstop. "i can't and we've already talked about why ok so please just drop it!" i said, not wanting to argue right now.

"just one last thing, have you ever seen the way he looks at you when you're not looking at him? no, right?" she raised her eyebrows at me, "but i have. and i know that look ok. he loves you too its so obvious."

"i'm his best friend, or so i hope.. either way, we both care about each other a lot and that's all ok.." i sighed, bundling up against my blanket again.

"fine," she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air, "but wait till i say i told ya so at your wedding!" 

i rolled my eyes, throwing a pillow in her direction, eliciting a gasp from her.

"oh you're so dead!" she threw the pillow back at me, starting a fight.

before she could hit me i scrambled out of bed and began running around my room as she mumbled several profanities chasing me.  

"let me just hit you once so we're even you bitch!" she screamed.

"nah," i shrugged, running out of my bedroom. i glanced back at her groaning before starting to chase me again. as i made a beeline for the living room, i smacked into something, or rather someone. a curly haired someone. 

"HELP!" i squealed hiding behind his tall body.

"what the hell is going on," he chuckled as catalina came storming into the living room. 

"amaya won't let me hit her back!" she pouted.

"my god, this is deja vu from the first day i came over here." i could feel his body vibrate as he let out another laugh.

i suddenly got sad at the memory. 


i gasped and throwing a pillow across the room at my best friend, "that's the only reason you're friends with me?! you fucking jordyn woods ass cheating hoe."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 → SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now