drunk and stupid

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hi babies, sorry it's been a busy week w/ midterms. but i'm back (: i mentioned this at the end of the chapter too, but comment some ideas you have for the story, i like to make them interactive with ur ideas featured!!

shawn and i bid goodbye to his parents and aaliyah who was sad she couldn't join us at the after party. unfortunately it was 18+. after being congratulated by a million people, shawn and i made our way over to the limo we arrived in.
i slid in the seat and shawn followed shortly after. as the door closed i let out a deep breath.
shawn chuckled, "you good?"
i smiled and nodded, "yeah just feels good to not be constantly watched for a second, you know?"

he nodded, "yeah," he began, "i think we did great tonight, in front of the cameras and everything."

i nodded my head, "yeah. guess we should take up acting," i awkwardly laughed. i don't know why things got so awkward all of a sudden, but i think every-time we reiterated that this was fake, we both got awkward. i desperately needed a shot or two.

the rest of the car ride was silent. we pulled up to the club that was being rented out by the grammys for the night. there were already millions of celebrities mingling outside and inside. as we slid out of the limo, shawn grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd.

the inside of the club was packed with people, the music so loud i could feel the bass under my feet.

"i hate massive crowds," i yelled over to shawn.
his hand gripped mine tighter, "just stay with me, i see a open spot in the back."

i nodded, and shawn began leading us towards the back. of course, being shawn mendes and amaya vega, we stopped every few moments to say hello to some celebrity who knew us. we finally reached the back of the club where there was a small couch next to the bar.

"want a drink?" shawn asked as we both settled on the couch.
i bit my lip, "can we do shots?"

he raised his eyebrows at me amused, "oh so we're really getting drunk" he laughed.

i shrugged, not opposed to the idea. "i'm legal, so i can," i laughed, "you on the other hand..." i placed my finger on his chest.
he shook his head laughing at me, "i'm almost legal ok? now what kind of liquor do you want?"

i took a moment to think before answering, "two tequila shots!"

he nodded and made his way over to the bar. i took this time to glance around the room. celebrities that i admired were now getting trashed, grinding, dancing, going wild. i spotted cardi b giving offset a lap dance, and stifled a laugh. she was ballsy and i loved that.
i was interrupted by shawn placing a tray with four shot glasses and four limes, down in front of me.

he sat back down next to me, and we both picked up a shot and a lime. following typical tequila shot protocol, we both took the shot and sucked on the lime; repeating this action for a second time.

i looked over at shawn who had the same face of disgust. "i hate tequila shots."

he furrowed his eyebrows, "then why'd you choose them?!"

i simply shrugged.

"amaya!" i heard a voice call out to me. glancing up i saw camila running towards me, grinning. "let's dance!" she grabbed my hand, not even giving me a chance to respond.

i was pulled into the massive crowd and she immediately began dancing, before suddenly stopping. "you're not drunk. we need shots!" she yelled, obviously drunk.
"oh no, i just took some!" i yelled, but regardless she dragged me to the bar.
i looked to shawn for help, but he was already talking to niall and john.
camilia ordered 4 vodka shots.
"girl you're already drunk, are you sure you should be drinking more?" i asked, worried.
she bit her lip and then looked at me, "ok fine. but you have to take all four now." she grinned.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 → SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now