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amayarosevega and 2,837,975 others liked
shawnmendes miss the boys

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briancraigen_ i'm sitting right next to u
——ianphillipwarburton same
jonvinyl miss u dude
camilacabello the boiiiiissss

"so dude," my best friend brian turned to me, "what's the deal with you and amaya vega?"

i groaned, wanting just one day where the conversation didn't involve her, us, or this stupid stunt.

"mendes that girl is off the charts hot," ian winked, "so if you're not hitting that, please introduce me."

rolling my eyes, i chucked a pillow at him, "shut up."

"so you gonna tell us or what?" brian asked again, raising his eyebrows at me.

i took another swig of the corona in my hand and sighed, "i told you our managers want us to date for publicity, we do not get along at all, that's it."

my friends just sat there and laughed.

"dude you have the hottest girl in hollywood right now on your arm; why are you so against this." brian shook his head.

"cause i want a real relationship, not one that's forced on me." i sighed, taking another sip of my beer.

brian and ian had flown in to la for the weekend since i had most of it off, aside from an interview or two. these guys were my best friends since way back, but boy did they get on my nerves a lot. sometimes it was frustrating trying to explain why something like a forced publicity stunt relationship was not what i wanted. it made me feel like more of a product of this industry and i really didn't want that.

"okay so why don't you get to know her for real and maybe it'll turn into something real?" brian looked at me.

"nah we just don't get along, i don't see it becoming anything ever." i shrugged.

"you should invite her over," ian grinned, "i wanna meet her."

i began rapidly shaking my head, "no i'm trying to have a weekend without her."

the boys just laughed again, "dude didn't you say that you guys have to hang out every few days as part of the stunt?" brian questioned, a smirk present on his lips.

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