dance lessons

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i had just wrapped up a photo shoot of my own, and penelope texted me letting me know to head down the hall to shawn's before the two of us grabbed lunch

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i had just wrapped up a photo shoot of my own, and penelope texted me letting me know to head down the hall to shawn's before the two of us grabbed lunch.

i entered the studio and saw a whole bunch of people rushing around with props in their hands, just like any typical photo shoot. shawn was sitting in his makeup chair, and an artist seemed to be fixing his brown curls. though if i'm being totally honest, they were always perfect.

anyways, i made my way over to him, two coffees in hand. one americano for him, and a cappuccino for me.

"hey you," i smiled sweetly at him. we obviously had to keep up the act for all the workers and studio managers around.

"hey gorgeous," he shot me a smile back.

i handed him the cup of coffee, "americano no sugar."

he looked up at me slightly shocked that i knew his order, "thanks."

i simply returned the smile. "so what's this shoot for?"

he grinned, and it was evident he was super excited about this project. "well the one before this was for calvin klein, and this one is for levi's."

"oo busy busy," i raised my eyebrows impressed.

"shawn we're ready for you," one of the shoot managers called out to him.
he took a quick swig of his coffee before standing up and reaching his hand out to hold mine, "come with me."

i placed my hand in his as he intertwined our fingers and led me over to the set.
as he got to the set, which was a bed with string lights hung above it, the photographer directed him to remove his shirt so he was just in his levi's.

the photographer and shoot manager was guiding him with poses and looks, and i hated to admit this but shawn was a natural behind the camera.

after about a thousand shots, the director then told him he wanted him to look like he was dancing.
it took everything in me to not hysterically laugh at his tall white ass trying to move his hips and dance.

"i can't do this," shawn said throwing his arms up in the air, laughing.

the crew all began laughing at him too. he looked like an awkward turtle just flailing around.

"hey amaya get in there and use some of your latina power to teach this kid how to move his hips," the manager called out to me.

i immediately felt all eyes in the room on me, "i— uh.."
i looked over at shawn who was looking at me expectantly. "uh sure, yeah."

i awkwardly set my bag down on the chair next to me and made my way over to stand next to shawn on the bed. my awkward self just stood staring at shawn.

"um can we get some music in here?" i yelled to anyone who was willing to listen.

immediately mia by drake blared through the speakers. i looked to shawn grinning, "you ready mendes?"

he rolled his eyes playfully and nodded, "let's do this." he held out his hand for me. as i slipped my hand into his, he instantly spun me around, making me laugh.

i began doing a small little salsa action and he tried mirroring my moves, but failed miserably, making me laugh again.

i placed my hands on his waist and felt him tense under me for a minute. i shivered at the fact that my hands were coming in bare contact with his v-line, but tried to brush it off. boy this guy was toned as fuck. anyways...
i helped him move his hips a little less awkwardly, and slowly he started warming up to the movement.
his hands grabbed mine as he became more comfortable with dancing.

i felt myself getting lost in the music and began doing my own thing. the entire time i heard the crew going wild, and the camera shutter going off nonstop.
shawn and i both had giant smiles on our faces, and if i was being honest, this was the first time it wasn't a fake smile.
he attempted body rolling and shimmying making me laugh again. he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him so my back was pressed against his torso. this made my breath get caught in my throat, feeling him pressed up against me. but just then the director started cheering, "that was amazing, honestly." he clapped, "even better than expected, come take a look." he waved shawn and i over.

shawn coughed awkwardly before letting me go to throw his shirt back on. together we made our way over to the screen that was displaying all the photos he had just taken. i had to admit we looked good, and definitely like a real couple. laughing, smiling, touching, dancing. getting intimate.

as i stared at the rest of the photos on the screen, i felt shawn's gaze on me. and when i looked over at him, he instantly looked away...

[a/n: we're going to pretend she's wearing pants ok?]

♡ amayarosevega and 2,386,854 others likedshawnmendes thanks for teaching me how to dance😊tagged: @amayarosevega

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amayarosevega and 2,386,854 others liked
shawnmendes thanks for teaching me how to dance😊
tagged: @amayarosevega

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camilacabello omg cuties
briancraigen_ 🧐🧐
catgiraldo oooooooooooooo
user716266 who is this bitch
amayarosevega anytime mendes ❤️💃🏻

hi this is short but i just thought of it (: enjoy. more comin soon duh.

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