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the next morning i woke up with a killer headache. the events of last night lingering in the back of my mind. i was both furious and embarrassed that i let any of that happen. i rubbed my forehead, in an attempt to make the pounding against my skull disappear. there was a light tap at my door, before cat's head peeked through.

"hey you, you look like shit," she giggled, placing water and an advil on my bedside table.
i simply groaned in response, throwing the pill into my mouth and chugging the water.
cat took a seat at the edge of my bed and looked at me eyebrows raised, "so what happened last night?"

"nothing i ever want to talk about," i groaned, throwing my duvet over my face.

she laughed at my dramatic response, "what did you and mendes make out or something?"

i peeked my head out of the blanket and shot her a uncomfortable look.

"oh my god! you did?!" she shrieked and clapped her hands.

"cat!" i groaned, bringing my hand up to my head.

"shit sorry," she said, much more calmly; thank god. "tell me everything."

i rolled my eyes, "nothing. we got too drunk and made out in the corner of the club, that's all."

cat had a giant grin plastered on her face that i really wish she'd wipe off immediately. "so he likes you?," she wagged her eyebrows.

"absolutely not. he made it very clear he only made out with me because i looked hot," i scoffed.

cat shuffled in my bed, laying down, her arm propping her up. "what an ass." she muttered, "but you like him right? thats why you made out with him?"

i shook my head, "no, i guess i'm an asshole too because i made out with him for almost the same reason he made out with me." i sighed.

"oo so friends with benefits with shawn mendes," she slapped my arm, "girl you're lucky."

i threw my duvet off of me and rolled my eyes, "no i am not doing this whole friends with benefits thing. that is not me. last night is never going to happen again." i said sternly.

cat just looked at me and shrugged, "sure sure."

a few hours later, my hangover at finally vanished, and i was sprawled across our living room couch downing some hot cheetos and watching the assassination of gianni versace.
cat was out with her boyfriend, and hayden was with some friends from work, so that left me alone.
just as the plot got super intense, my phone buzzed beside me, causing me to pause the show.

shawn mendASSHOLE
we need to talk about last night

sure i guess

shawn mendASSHOLE
so my parents are still in town and really want you to come out with us for dinner.. would you please come? and then we can talk before?

i don't know...

shawn mendASSHOLE
they think we're friends
they don't know about last night and they really loved meeting you yesterday

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 → SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now