the grammys pt. 2

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as shawn and i entered the venue, we were immediately greeted by several of the celebrities that we both happened to know. many of which included camila cabello and taylor swift.

"you look amazing," camila gushed, "i cannot wait to hang out with you soon." she said grabbing a hold of my hand and flashing me a giant grin.

i squeezed her hands back and had a matching wide grin on my face as well, "me too!"

shawn's hand slithered around my waist, protectively, "okay mila, we gotta go make our way to our seats. kill it tonight!" he gave her a proud smile. the duo exchanged a quick hug before shawn and i made our way over to our seats.

my hands were now getting extremely sweaty. i knew shawn's family knew we were fake, but that still didn't help the fact that i was super nervous to meet them.

"you okay?" shawn asked, definitely noticing how tense i had gotten in the span of a few seconds.

i merely gave him a rigid nod.

he stopped in his tracks and turned my body towards him, "you okay?" he asked again, eyebrows raised.

"just nervous to meet your family, that's all" i said flashing him a lopsided smile.

he let out a soft chuckle, "don't be. they're a bunch of goofballs, trust me." he gave me a warm smile, "come on now." he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his entire team who was seated about four rows from the front.

"hey you two!" andrew greeted us, "you did great on the red carpet guys."

there was no business talk during the show because we never know who could be listening or watching us talk.

"shawn!" a young girl yelled over, grinning. i knew this was his little sister.

"hey lia!" he smiled, pulling her in for a hug, "i want you to meet amaya."

"hi," she beamed, "you are so pretty wow." she grinned.

giggling, i gave her a warm smile, "you're crazy gorgeous yourself missy. good to know the good looking mendes genes made it to at least one kid," i winked.

she began laughing, as shawn wined and pouted like a child. "rude," he muttered.


after getting to know shawn's family a little better, i could definitely say i was a lot more comfortable and less nervous than i was before. they announced that the show was about to start, and so we made our way over to our seats.

shawn was seated in the asile seat, with me next to him, followed by aaliyah, karen and manny. shawn's team was all seated in the row behind us.

shawn's leg was shaking constantly throughout the beginning of the show, and i kept having to place my hand on his leg to get him to stop.

it was now nearing the first category he was nominated for, best pop vocal album.

john mayer and alessia cara made their way up on to the stage to announce the winner. "the nominees for best pop vocal album are.." alessia announced. the screen then displayed all the albums nominated. camila cabello for camila, kelly clarkson for meaning of life, ariana grande for sweetener, shawn mendes for shawn mendes, p!nk for beautiful trauma, and taylor swift for reputation. it was kind of cute how when camila and taylor's names were displayed shawn had a small grin on his face.

"and the winner is..." john began fumbling to open the envelope. shawn's hand gripped mine tightly. "my man, shawn mendes!" he yelled.

immediately our entire two rows shot up and cheered. i squealed turning to face shawn, he grabbed my waist and immediately attacked my cheek with kisses, before pulling me into a quick hug. he then leaned over and hugged aaliyah and his mom, and fist bumped his dad and andrew.

i watched as he jogged his way up to the stage, the grin present on his face the entire time.

shawn had performed in my blood, with surprise guest miley cyrus and it was incredible. he truly loved performing and it was so obvious tonight. aaliyah and i jammed out in the audience, and even camila joined us at some point. the three of us were dancing along, and i'm 100% sure the camera was on us more than it was on shawn.
it was now the final award of the night, and it was song of the year. shawn kept telling me he was just happy to have one one of the awards he was nominated for, but i knew he really wanted to win this one as well.

"and the winner of song of the year is..." harry styles opened the envelope and shawn's knew continued to shake beside me. while of course i was anxious for him, i was also anxious about having to kiss him again on television. i had pretty much zoned out because the next thing i knew everyone around me started cheering and shawn grinned at me like a crazy person. 'shawn mendes: in my blood' was written across the screen, indicating he won. shawn hugged his family, andrew, scott and teddy, before making his way over to me.

"congrats superstar," i smiled, "you did it."

he simply grinned, and pulled me into a soft kiss, lasting a few seconds, but still managing to make me go insane, which i hated.

he made his way up to the stage, bouncing with every step.

"wow," he breathed into the microphone, staring at the grammy in his hand, "this is an absolute dream come true, honestly. a few years ago all i did was dream about being here, and now to actually win is actually insane." he let out a chuckle, "first and foremost i want to thank the academy for this honor. my manager, andrew gertler, my parents my little sister, my entire team, cez, geoff, zubin, teddy scott, all of you. my fans..." he smiled, "my amazing fans, none of this would've been possible without you. i love you so much." he said blowing a kiss at the camera. "this was such a hard song to put out there because it was raw, it was vulnerable and it showed a side of me that i was so scared to show the world. but i am so thankful that i did it. it has helped me grow as an artist, as a writer and as a person. thank you again, for this incredible honor." he grinned, and waved to the audience before walking off.

as shawn made his way over to me, the grin on his face would not go away. "i'm so happy right now," he beamed, bouncing a bit, making me laugh.

"you deserved both wins tonight mendes," i smiled.

he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, "thanks amaya."

we heard a cough beside us, where manny and karen were smirking at us. the both of us rolled our eyes, pulling away from each other.

we sat back down as the mc's began wrapping up the show.
"i'm so tired," i whispered to shawn, leaning my head on his shoulder.
i heard him sigh beside me, "me too, but unfortunately we gotta mingle at the after party."

"can we get drunk," i looked up at him, as he looked down at me.

"hell yeah," he whispered, "let's get drunk and be stupid." he smiled.

little did i know that's what would actually happen...

HI HI HI IM BACK. OK SO YALL SAID U WANTED SEPARATE UPDATES FOR GRAMMY AND AFTER PARTY. this one was kind of shitty i sorry, next one will be juicy 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 MY BDAY IS IN 10 DAYS AH

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 → SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now