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later that night shawn had asked me to stay with him at his place, while my driver drove cat back to our apartment.

shawn and i had stayed up all night, catching up. talking about literally anything, and everything. my months traveling the world, his tour, the new line i was working on, his music, my family, his family, if the earth was round...

it was about 4 am when we had finally decided to fall asleep due to shawn unable to get words out without yawning. the next morning, i woke up with shawn's arm wrapped around my waist, and his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. how that was comfortable for him was beyond me; but i definitely was not complaining.

i didn't want to move from the position we were in, so i just laid there, smiling to myself at how unreal this moment was.

"mm baby why are you smiling at nothing like a creep," shawn mumbled, his breath on my neck and the nickname, sending chills down my spine.

i rolled my eyes, before turning to face him. "you really know how to charm a girl huh?"

with his eyes still shut, shawn let out a soft chuckle. "well i mean, you're here aren't you?"

"touche," i laughed, poking his side.

his eyes fluttered open, and a wide grin spread out on his face. he just continued to stare at me.

"now who's smiling and staring like a creep," i joked.

unfazed by my mockery, he leaned forward, capturing my lips in a delicate kiss. as he pulled away a soft smile still remained on his face.

"i can't believe you're here," he whispered.

i reached up and placed my hand on his cheek, gently rubbing my thumb across it. "i'm here," i whispered back.

"and i never want you to leave," he said back.

i gave him a quick kiss before cuddling back into his arms. "speaking of leaving, um, when do you leave?" i dreaded this question but i knew it had to be asked. he was still on his north american leg of the tour.

"uh, tonight." he mumbled, the disappointment apparent in his voice. "i-i'm sorry."

i looked up to meet his eyes that were extremely sad.

"hey, don't be sorry. it's your job love." i softly smiled at him.

he sighed, nodding. "i know, but i finally got the girl of my dreams and now i have to leave you?"

"the girl of your dreams," i teased, causing him to roll his eyes.

"shut up. i'm serious amaya." he sighed again, now avoiding eye contact with me.

i looked at him, noticing how truly broken he was over this.

"shawn, look at me." i spoke, gently. he hesitated a moment, but his beautiful brown eyes finally looked at mine. "first i wanna say it's okay that you have to leave and go be a rockstar. if this relationship is going to work we're both going to have to get used to that happening more often than we want ok?" i waited for him to nod in response, "second, do you think you have enough room on your tour bus for one more person to join you?" i slyly smiled.

immediately, his mood lit up and his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. "are you serious?!"

i giggled, loving how excited he was over a simple question. "yes, but only for about two weeks because that's when my breaks over."

he grinned, pecking my lips over and over again. "i love you," he said in between kisses, making me laugh.

"you can stay until miami next week and we can visit your mom and abuela. OH and she can make those amazing arepas she made last time. and we can officially tell them both we're dating, well again for your abuela.." he rambled, making my heart swell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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