whomst the fuck

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hello my lovely readers, i haven't said this in a while but i absolutely adore you all. your comments, reactions, and little feedbacks make me so happy. thank you for all the love and support.

I'm thinking of publishing a "ideas" book of just random story ideas i think of that i dont have the time to start writing (because we all know once i start a new book i ditch the old ones *cough* home *cough* carpe diem *cough*

and for my new readers, and old, i just wanna introduce myself again. i'm kendall. tell me your names! or just a little bit about you. or just comment something idk! i want to interact with you guys more :)

and finally, if anyone has any ideas for the story line or wants to help me out with the next few chapters, please message me. i have an idea of what i want to do next but need something to fill the gaps with.

my little blabber is over. moving on to what you're all here for...


"hi," i smiled at my laptop screen at a very smiley shawn reflected back.

"hey," he beamed, adjusting his laptop as he laid on his bed, "how was your day?"

i sighed, "busy as hell. that week off really left me with a lot of work to catch up on."

"aw im sorry. make yourself a cup of tea and just relax," shawn pouted.

i reached over to my bedside table and flashed him my cup of tea, making him laugh in response. 

"how about you? hows home?", i smiled, excited that he got this week off to be with his family. 

i watched as happiness filled his face, "it's honestly amazing. every time i come home im reminded how much i missed it." 

he then delved into a story about how today he and aaliyah had looked through some old photographs and reminisced about the old days. i was half focusing on his story and half focusing on how relaxed and happy he sounded. i knew the past few weeks with the press, the stunt, and my needy ass have not been easy on him. 

in the middle of his story, i heard his bedroom door open. "mendes lets go!" a voice called out.

"jon shut up he's talking to his giiiiirrrlfriiieeenndd," a voice that i immediately recognized as  brians spoke. 

i laughed as the boys continued to tease shawn. "see brian this is why i didn't bring you waffle fries," i joked.

shawn's laptop was abruptly turned to face brian, his face pouting. "you're so mean to me amaya."

"you know i love you." i blew him a kiss, making him laugh in response. 

shawn angrily turned his laptop to face him, glaring at brian. "MY girl." 

"ya ya whatever.. we know she loves me more. be out in 5 mendes." brian wagged a finger at him before he and jon left the room.

shawn then turned the camera to face himself again, a pout still present on his lips.

"what's with the sad face," i laughed.

"do you like him more than me?"

i literally had to stifle a laugh. "are you delusional shawn?"

he rolled his eyes at me, "im just checking okay?!"

i shook my head laughing at the crazy boy. "where ya going?"

"out with the guys for some drinks," he shrugged.

i stared at him as he fixed his curls that kept falling on his face.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 → SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now