the grammys pt. 1

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shawnmendes and 2,983,329 others liked

amayarosevega my boys a superstar xo shawnmendes

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user214 wow a power couple
user4499 that confirms their relationship rip
shawnmendes my girls a beauty
-----user21211 wowowow my heart
camilacabello my two fav babies

my heart started racing as the limo pulled up to the venue. as we slipped out of the car, there were immediately flashes overwhelming my view. i noticed andrew and the rest of shawn's team waiting for us at the start of the red carpet. shawn slipped his hand into mine as we made our way over to them. 

"wow you both look incredible," teddy gushed as she fawned over us.

i gave her a hug, thanking her, "you look stunning as well."

"alright guys," andrew said gathering our attention, "jake is going to hit the red carpet with you two, and the rest of us will meet you inside at our seats." andrew then inched closer to us, "you guys have to look like the most in-love and adorable couple on this red carpet tonight, ok?" 

shawn and i simply nodded.

"you guys had practice at the gala, and you did amazing there so keep that up. just up the antes a bit. kiss her cheek, make her laugh, the usual. and then of course as discussed, if he wins either of his awards, a quick kiss on the lips." 

again, shawn and i both just nodded, the nerves probably eating us both alive right now. there was a reason neither of us were actors/actresses. but after our performance at the met gala, i wasn't too worried, especially since we were friends (?) now... 

"good luck out there guys!" cez yelled at us, as the entire crew walked away.

i looked over at shawn, who was already looking back at me. "you ok?" he asked.

i took a deep breath before nodding, "yeah just nervous. red carpets aren't my favorite." i let out a light laugh. 

he slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me close, "stick with me, you'll be fine." he smiled.

hand in hand, we made our way over to the start of the red carpet. immediately the paparazzi and media went insane. there were flashing going off everywhere, our names being shouted right and left. shawn's arm once again found its way around my waist as the two of us smiled for all the cameras. 

after a few more shots, i felt shawn's fingers squeeze into my side making me squirm. laughing lightly i looked up at him, as he grinned down at me. "stop it." i giggled, as he continued to tickle me. in one swift motion he place both hands on my waist, turning me so i was facing him. his face began inching closer, and i was terrified he was about to kiss me before planned. the paps were going wild, screaming "kiss her" constantly. my heart began pounding in my chest as he continued to get closer to me. but after what felt like an eternity, shawn placed a kiss on my forehead. as he pulled away a smirk apparent on his lips. slightly embarrassed, i felt my cheeks heat up. i dug my head into the crook of his neck for a moment. i felt his body vibrate as he laughed at my shyness.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀 → SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now