for real

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♡ shawnmendes and 1,493,583 others likedamayarosevega you killed it, as usual

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shawnmendes and 1,493,583 others liked
amayarosevega you killed it, as usual. ♥

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user13 omg omg omg my favorite couple is back on
briancraigen_ finally.
----catgiraldo amen to that.

his curly brown hair was a tousled mess atop his head. his skin was glistening from the sweat, but i knew a part of the glow came from his post-performance high. he was his most beautiful right now.

my heart was racing a million miles per hour.

"hey." i shyly whispered.

he effortlessly climbed down the stairs until he was towering directly in front of me. "hey." he said again, this time whispering.

"did you-"

before i could finish asking the burning question on my mind, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me away.

"wait come with me, i want to show you something."

what started as a simple walk, turned into a run through backstage. who knew he still had this much energy in him. we reached a set of narrow stairs, making me stop. "shawn where are we going?"

"just trust me," he smiled back at me before starting to climb the stairs.

as he reached the top, he turned around and held out his hand to help me up.

as I reached the last step, he let me lead, his hands on my waist to guide me down the dark narrow hallway.

"you didn't bring me up here to kill me did you?" i jokingly glanced over my shoulder.

he let out a deep laugh before squeezing my sides, "no, stop stressing maya."

a few moments and two more staircases later, we stepped through a door that said 'crew only' in big bold letters on the door.

"i-uh. i wanted to be away from the eyes and the people within earshot for a minute," he said, opening the door. he sounded nervous for the first time tonight.

as we entered through the door, I realized we had climbed to the top of the arena where the lighting crew usually sat. it was such an incredible view from the top. the entire area, every last seat, from way up above. you could even see some of the last few fans exiting the place.

"wow," i whispered.

"i know," shawn breathed out, "i discovered it this morning during rehearsals."


"i meant every word i said amaya," he began, cutting me off again, "i'm in love with you. i don't know when or how it happened, but it did. and because of that i don't regret that stupid publicity stunt even a bit. i counted down the days till i could finally tell you that," he let out a chuckle.

i was stunned by his words, unable to speak.

"i love the way you're not afraid to tell me off when I'm acting like the biggest douchebag on earth. i love how much you care for and value your family, it's so damn attractive. i love how fucking strong you are, how creative you are, how kind you are," he smiled, "i love that little look on your face when you're extremely concentrated on what you're working on, god, that drives me crazy." he said, a small laugh escaping my lips. "i love every little thing about you."

i took a small step towards him, lifting my hand up to caress his cheek. i let out a shaky breath before whispering the words i've been so afraid to say. "i'm so in love with you shawn mendes."

a massive grin spread across his face, making me break out into a smile as well. he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him before gently placing his lips on mine. our lips moulded together so perfectly. i brought my other hand up and placed it behind his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.

this. this was it. this was what heaven felt like. pure bliss and happiness. i had craved the taste of his lips on mine for months, and finally it happened.

i slowly pulled away, placing my forehead against his as we both began to catch our breath.

as i quickly came to terms with what had just happened, i smacked shawn as hard as i could on his shoulder, though i knew it definitely didn't hurt him one bit.

"ow!" he yelled, rubbing where i had just hit, "what was that for?"

i narrowed my eyes at him in semi-fake anger. "that was for waiting this long to tell me you loved me, you ass! these past three months would've been a lot less painful if you had told me earlier!"

"hey! i didn't know you loved me too okay!? you could've said something!" he argued back.

"that brings me to my second point," i began, before i hit him once more, causing him to gasp.

"maya what the hell?" he said grabbing my wrists.

"that was for making me think you were in love with camila or something and serenading her tonight!"

"camila?!" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"yes camila!" i stated. "you released that steamy ass music video and then call me and tell me you're in love with some secret girl and need to know how to tell her! what did you expect me to believe?"

"yeahhhh," he let go of my wrists and began scratching the back of his neck nervously, "i could've come up with something better i admit, i'm sorry."

"i really thought you were in love with someone else." i said, sighing.

"hey," he brought his hands up to cup my face, his thumbs softly running over my cheeks, "i'm not in love with anyone but you okay?"

"okay." i smiled, before leaning in to kiss him once again.

"mm, i missed this so much," he smiled as we pulled away.

"me too."

the two of us just stared at each other, embracing this moment. my heart was so happy that that just happened, i had to keep reminding myself that this was real and i wasn't dreaming.


i hummed in response, looking up at shawn.

"will you be my girlfriend? for real this time?" he said, chuckling.

i let out a giggle, before nodding my head, "i'd love to."

he pulled me in for yet another kiss, not that i was complaining. we had a lot of time to make up for.


yeet sorry this was so short :)

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