Chapter 18: Oh Jayy...

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I haven't talked to Jayy for about a month or so. The last time i really had talked to him was at the little concert he did for me. And every time i see him hes just by Jeffrees side. Then in the classes me and him have together are just...well...its like he ignores me. Not to mention that they both just disappear at lunch. Call me crazy call me jealous but a guy cant help to feel a bit hurt when he sees his boyfriend clinging to another guy. And honestly im tired of it and insist on talking to him about it Today.

By the time i actually saw Jayy it was already after school. I ran over to him just before he got into his car with Jeffree. "Jayy!" I yelled out then he looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey babe. Whats up?"

I looked up at him then started twirling my fingers. "We kinda need to talk..."

He raised an eye brow then shrugged, "Alright let me just drop off Jeffree and we'll go talk at your house."

I mentally sighed and nodded. He gave me a quick kiss then hopped into his car. I started walking home and he drove away. I sighed while rubbing my face, "No turning back now..."


I heard a knock at the door and my heart sank. Maybe I dont need to open the door or i can just say 'Talk? What Talk?!'. Grr then again I need to talk to Jayy about this. I stood up and walked over to the door. Or do I? Yes I do...No...No i dont. I reached for the door knob. Of course I do! No I- ... I really need to stop arguing with myself. I opened the door and smiled up at Jayy. "Hey."

He smiled while looking up at the sky. "Hey."

"Erm...come in."

He nodded then walked in slowly. He started looking around, "You know I never really been in your house."

I closed the door behind him and thought for a second. Probably because you never took the time to come over you god damn wa- "Thats pretty weird...i guess..." I looked out the window as light rain started to hit the glass. Why does it always rain when we are about to have a serious conversation?!

I sighed then Jayy broke the silence. "So what did you want to talk about babe?"

I leaned against the wall and sighed. "Well...Jayy....I've kinda been feeling like we are getting ... erm distant."

He raised an eyebrow. "Distant? But I see you all the time."

I shook my head and looked down while twiddling my thumbs ,"Sure in class or lunch but I'm never what your focused on. I mean your always around Jeffree and always clinging to him. Its like your acting as if hes your boyfriend and im just the boy friend."

He smiled and crossed his arms. "So your jealous?"

I crossed my arms and twirled my feet on the carpet, "Well wouldn't any guy be? I mean come on when was the last time we really talked to each other like this?! And not just that im ... " I sighed and looked down once again. "Im kind of hurt. Ever since he got here you spend so much more of your attention on him than me. Its as if i don't even matter to you anymore."

He stepped closer to me and cupped my face. "Hey don't say that! You know I love you. You know I'm in love with you."

I paused and just stared into his eyes with a blank face trying to find any sign of a lie.

"Im sorry i made you feel like this. I had no idea. Please believe me i wasn't trying to make you feel hurt at all. I guess i can become a little distracted at times but I want you to know you were always on my mind."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned close to me, "I love you Dahvie. The way you wear your hair in your eyes. Your smile and laugh. God just everything about you drives me crazy. Dahvie i just cant live without you..."

I looked away from his eyes and held my breath for a moment. "Did you tell Jeffree the same thing..."


I felt a ball start to form in my throat. "Have you told love everything about him...and you cant live without him...." I felt my voice crack at the end.

I knew he was getting angry his voice getting a bit heavier. "Damnit Dahviel! Im telling you the truth! No i havent told him that and thats because i dont love him like i do you-"

I scoffed and then he stopped talking. I continued to look away from him and we stayed silent for a moment. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Maybe my actions will speak louder than my words..." I shuddered when his hot breath softly hit my ear then looked at him a bit confused then he crashed his lips against mine.

Sparks flew from our joined lips and my body stiffened for a moment then i had to give in. He held my waist and leaned me against the wall while our lips moved along with each other. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and quickly gave him entry. God im so weak around him. A sweet taste filled my mouth the moment when his tongue found mine. Jayy obviously took dominance. I ran my hand through his hair and tugged it a bit. A sweet moan escaped Jayys mouth then he gently bit my bottom lip and i quietly moaned in return. He kissed my jaw then down to my neck. He started to rub my sides while he softly bit the part where my neck meets my shoulder. I squealed then my heart started racing. "Soft spot?", he whispered in my ear and I nodded. I felt my face continue to heat up. He did it again and his hand slowly moved its way down to my pants and then he started to unzip. I noticed what he was going to do. I grabbed his hand quickly and blushed. "J-Jayy you dont have to do this. I believe you."

He ran his fingers up my shirt and I scorched. "I'm not doing this because I have to..." He kissed my shoulder and down until he reached my pantline, "Im doing this because I want to ... Im doing this because I love you..." I loosened my grip on his hand and blushed again when he started to unzip my pants. "Oh Jayy..."

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