Chapter 21: Broken Hearted

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"You cant hide from him forever Dahvie." CC said softly.

I gripped Jayys bracelet tighter and kept listening to the guys.

"Yeah Dahvie its been 5 days now and neither of you guys been to school." Ashley added.

"And the school dance is coming up dude. Come on, you have to go." Jinxx said.

I closed my eyes and leaned my cellphone closer to my ear then wrapped my blanket onto me, "I dont know..."

I heard a distant ringing then Andy spoke with sadness in his voice,

"We have to go buddy. We'll come by after school, okay?"

"Alright...see you guys later..." I stayed on the line then hung up after a few seconds. I burst again into tears for the tenth time today. It hurt not being around Jayy and not knowing if he even loved me anymore at this point. I knew I hurt him and I didnt blame him if he never wanted to see me again. My phone started vibrating again so I picked it up and cleared my throat a little. I clicked the green button and brought it back to my ear, "Hello?"

"Dahvie? Are you ok?" Jeffree asked a bit concerned.

"Besides having my heart kicked in the ass...Im perfect."

"Dahvie you have to come back to school. And you really need to talk to Jayy."

"He wont talk to me... i already tried." I said and a few more tears fell to my cheek.

"Well try harder Dahvie! You guys need each other! Jayy has been a total wreck without you. He is still madly in love with you... But without you..." He paused for a second then his voice grew a little shakey and quieter. "Without you hes just hurting himself all over again."

I sat up slowly and a bit comcerned. "Talk to him soon Dahvie. I have bever seen him this lovesick. And being his first need to heal his wounds. Be his savior."

Andys POV

"Alright...see you guys later..." Dahvie said from the other end of the phone. His voice was so weary and torn out. It was like I could hear his tears. I felt so bad to hear him in so much pain.

The phone clicked and Dahvie had hung up. I put the phone back in Ashleys back pocket and sighed. "He sounds horrible."

CC shoved his hands in his pockets in his hands, "What do you expect hes heart broken."

I wrapped my arms around Ashley and we started walking to 5th period. After silence someone spoke up, "Im going to go talk to Jayy today."

Our heads shot up at stared at Jake. He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. "Its my fault and I pretty much ... Broke them up." His voice cracked a little at the end.

He cleared his throat and started walking to the classroom. "Im going to get them back together."


Jakes POV

I walked up the steps to Jayy's front porch, legs shaking with every step. To be truthful I had no idea what I was going to do. I thought I would try to talk to him before he pummels me into the ground. Maybe this wasnt such a good idea. But then again.... I have to do this. Not only to relieve my guilt but mainly for Dahvie.

I hesitantly knocked on the door. I waited a few seconds then heard slow footsteps coming to the door. The door slowly opened and Jayy looked down at me with weary eyes. His eyes were red and looked like hes been crying for days. His hair was all over the place and his eyeliner was smeared. I looked over at his arm that he held close to his stomach and felt a little pained. I dont think I wanted to know what hes done to himself. "Jake?" He said softly.

I nodded and smiled weakly, "Hey Jayy. Can we talk?" i asked and stuttered a bit.

He paused for a second then nodded and opened the door a little more, "Come in..."

I walked in slowly and looked around. He closed the door and all I was thinking was please dont let something posses him to try to kill me. He walked over to the open living room and sat down on the couch. I chewed the inside on my lips when Jayy sat across from me staring at his lap and still hiding his arm. Theres no possible way i can back out now.

"Jayy Im sorry."

He looked up but seemed like he was staring right through me.

"Look everything was my fault I was extremely drunk and Dahvie wanted to sit me somewhere. The living room was full so he just kinda took me upstairs and flopped me in the room. I was the one who pulled him on the bed with me. Then i was just... Something urged me to just..." God i shouldnt be telling him this. I took a deep breathe then talked a bit faster. "I've just had a bit of a crush on him and when he want in bed with me i didnt know what to do with myself so i admit I was a bit touchy but Jayy he was the one that stopped me and he was the one who said to stop." His face was blank. "He said he wasnt going to betray you and that he loves you." I continued. "And Jayy without you hes been a complete mess. It was my fault. My drunken mistake I'm sorry. Really. But you have to take Dahvie back. You mean the world to him."

And Its true. Dahvie and Jayy belong together. It was always ment to be. It only took me this long to realize it.

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