Chapter 15: Happy Birthday Dahvie (Part 2)

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"Dahviiiie!" Ashley yelled.

I popped back away from Jake and stared at him. "Y-Yeah?!"

Andy yelled from the kitchen , "Oi, a close your eyes!"

"Must i ask why?!" I glanced down then Jake took his hands away from me and scooted away embarrassed.

"Just do it!" CC yelled out.

I sighed and covered my eyes.

I heard the door open and close then feet fumble to come in front of me. Then there was silence until Andy finally gave me permission to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and gasped in shock. The lights were dimmed again and Andy was holding a two layer black cake that had in blue writing 'Happy Birthday Dahvie' with an awesome cartoon bat in the background. Looked like it was beating someone to death so that made it the best cake in the world. The cake had lit candles already so the guys started to sing happy birthday. When they were done of course i blew out the candles and was then again surprised with 5 different gifts. All from the guys.

CC got me new leather gloves and and an awesome leather jacket. Jinxx got me Monte Crue and The Misfits posters. Ashley and Andy got me ALOT of eyeliner gel or what they call warpaint and a new hair straightener. And of course Jake got me a yoshi plushi backpack, a Mr. Jack Skellington hat and $50 gift card from hottopic. It was extremely epic. "But hey your mom told us to bring you outside really quick."

I raised an eyebrow then shrugged and stood up. I walked over to the door then Jake sprinted over and opened the door for me. I blushed then casually walked through and gasped so loud im pretty sure people in China heard me.

My mom was standing next to a new black and blood red hot rod motorcycle. I ran up to it jumping and screaming like i won a game show. "Happy Birthday sweetie!" The guys just came over to watch me fan girl out while i jumped and gave my mom a giant hug. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!"

My mom handed me the keys and a helmet that matched the motorcycle. "Why dont you take it for a spin? Then when you get back we will cut the cake," I smiled and looked over at Jake and tilted my head towards the hot rod. He smiled and walked over to me. "Oh theres another helmet in the seat!" My mom said and Jake got it out and we both put the helmets on then got on the motorcycle. After i got the hang of going forward we were off.

Jake held onto me tightly while i felt the wind run through my hair. I looked up at the setting sun then Jake kissed my shoulder and whispered "Do you like how your birthdays going so far?" I smiled "Best Birthday ever." "Is that so?" I nodded and chuckled while making a U-turn. "You know.... You know I can make it a bit better..." I raised an eyebrow then pulled back into my driveway. I stopped the motorcycle then got off and smiled at him. "And how will you do that?"

"Well..." He got off the motorcycle and we took off our helmets. I put my helmet on the handle and then Jake cupped my face with both of his hands. He bit his bottom lip gently then leaned forward slowly with his eyes closed. I froze and just stared up at him. I swore i could hear his heart beat rising.

"Hey you guys coming in? Its getting dark!" I heard Andy's voice say. Jake stopped and pulled back. He looked a bit flustered and annoyed then moved his hands away from my face quickly. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. He then turned and walked inside. I sighed a bit relieved and walked in a minute later.

"Finally your here!" CC yelled and jumped out of nowhere. Pretty sure he was clinging on the ceiling waiting for me to come in. "Cake time!" Andy wooed. I ran into the kitchen and found the cake being eyed by Ashley. He looked up at me and smiled ,"Hey". "Hey" I smiled and got a dull knife.

"Oi...have you heard from Jayy today?"

I shook my head and started cutting the cake.

He nodded slowly then rubbed the back of his head. "Well what do you think of your birthday so far?" He said trying to change the subject.

I smiled and handed him a slice. "Its perfect Ashley. Thank you guys so much." I hugged him and smiled.

"Hey what are friends for?"


After cake and a few more movies our Movie Day turned into a sleep over so we headed to my room and popped in one last movie. The guys knocked out on the floor and me and Jake were sitting on the bed.

"Dahvie?" Jake whispered. I nodded then looked at him. "Im sorry..." I smiled and shook my head. "No need Jake... "

"No really. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you .... twice .... and Im really not that type of guy. Its just i cant help myself around you... And I know you and Jayy are dating but something came over me and i just...wanted to ....needed to ..." He sighed and laid back on the bed with his hands on his face. I laid next to him, "Don't worry about it Jake...really its alright..."

He looked over at me with eyes full of hope and a bit of lust. Then after a few minutes of meaningful eye contact he leaned closer to me. I guess third times the charm? I closed my eyes and with no chance of us being interrupted I let him plant his lips against mine. He wasn't a bad kisser and it was more gentle than anything. But then again...It wasnt a kiss from Jayy. Our lips started to move together then he pulled me close by my belt loops and ran his tongue on my bottom lip. I parted my lips and granted him entry. Our tongues battled for dominance but of course he won. He held me closer then ran his hand to my ass, then pulled me closer and a weird feeling flowed through my body. When I realized what it was I put my hands on his chest then pulled away for a moment a bit out of breath. I felt his heart pounding against his chest. Then when I gazed up at his eyes and he looked awestruck. He looked back then removed his hands and hit head. "Im...Ah sorry." I blushed and put a pillow over my groin, "Its...o-okay." He looked down and smiled. "Did i um..."

"Shut up! Hormones and whatnot!" I felt my face heat up and I buried my face in his chest. "Im sorry...erm...again...."

"Its ok....just....This.....This stays between You...Me...and erm Jayy. Im not going to keep this from him."

"I understand..." He rubbed his face and sighed. "Im sorry..."

I chuckled a bit, "Shut up and go to sleep.."

"Alright..." He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled into his arms "And Dahvie?"



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