Chapter 20: The Party (Part 2)

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Then of course the song ended. I smiled a little when we still stayed close even when nothing was playing. He kissed my cheek softly, "Lets get something to drink." I turned my cup upside down now realizing it was completely empty. I nodded and he grabbed my hand pulling me to the kitchen. "What do you want to drink?" he said when we walked over to the island counter. I shrugged, "Something good." He smiled then thought for a second. "I'll make you a Blue Demon."

I put my head on his shoulder and smiled, "Jake I love you and all but...What the fuck is a Blue Demon?!"

He grabbed a few bottles and started mixing them. "You just wait."

I pouted then thought. "We'll can I make your drink?"

He raised an eyebrow not taking his eyes off the cup, "Do you know how to make drinks?"


He shrugged, "Go for it."

I smiled and grabbed a couple of bottles and started mixing the ones with pretty colors and smells. Suprisingly at the end of mixing it looked blood red but smelled fucking FANTASTIC if i do say so myself. Jake handed me my drink. "For you my good sir..." I smiled and handed him his drink. "And for you." We smiled and took sips of our drinks. "Orgasmic!" I squeaked and took another sip.


I think my drink might of hit Jake harder than I expected. He was just talking on and on about random shit. I have to say it was really funny. "But I can never ever fucking find that god damn mini just fucking POOF and I was just like... WHY?!" I nodded and smiled trying to understand whatever he was talking about.

"Just because of the fucking government... Come...come on lets go dance or something." He made a step but nearly fell and ate it. I grabbed his arm and shook my head, "You sir are way too tipsy to do anything right now." He needed to sit somewhere so we wandered into the living room. The couch was full as fuck and all I found was CC dry humping a plant. ....I dont even want to know....

I brought Jake over to the stairs and we walked up to find a bedroom. After a few minutes if searching we finally found a room that was empty. I flopped Jake down on the bed but he pulled me down with him.

When i tried to get up he just rolled ontop of me and pinned my hands down. "Jakey?"

He smiled and looked down at me. "Yees?"

"What are you doing?"

He paused for a second then let go of my hands and shrugged. He just sat on me and stared into my eyes, "You know I love you."

I smiled and nodded, "I love you too man."

He shook his head and leaned over me. His lips hovered over mine then he moved them to my ear, "No Dahvie...I really...really love you..." His lips lightly traced themselves along my neck and I blushed. I put my hands on his chest to push him away. "Jake you know we ca~" i could barley get out my words when he gently licked where my neck met my shoulder. I became weak and putty in his hands.

I held my moan then he started to grind on me. I felt a sudden bulge on his pants and my face scorched. He bit my soft spot and a small moan escaped my lips. He pulled away to see my face and sat up. He took off his shirt and simply tossed it to the side. He leaned back down and licked my ear "I want much..." he spoke softly and a familiar feeling ran through my body while my face turned a deep red. Jakes hand ran up and down my thigh and his other making its way under my shirt.

It was so wrong but felt so good. The horny teen part of me wanted to pull him closer and pleasure him back. But another part of me wanted this to stop. I needed to push him away but couldnt bring myself to. His touch was making me so weak and vulnerable. But then Jayy kept popping into my mind and it made me feel awful. I love Jayy...I'm in love with him. I cant let him go. I cant loose him over a little fling. Jakes hand searched in my shirt and found a hard bead. He started to pull off my shirt and i found my voice when my shirt was over my stomach. "Jake we need to stop..."

He sat up with his hand still playing with my hard bead, "We don't need to..." I sat up a bit then my own bulge started feeling uncomfortable. "Jake we do... You're drunk and... Im still dating Jayy. I love him. I'm not going to betray him like this." He looked at me and i saw hurt and sadness in his eyes. "Please understand..."

He nodded and leaned his forehead on mine taking his hand from under my shirt, "I understand..." I smiled a bit then wrapped my arms around his neck, "Thank you"

I heard foot steps then they stopped in the doorway. "Dahvie?"

Jake got off of me and sat on the bed. I smiled and fully sat up "Jayy! There you are!"

Jake faced the wall and rubbed the back of his head. I got up and walked over to Jayy. He stared at me for a moment, "Whats going on?"

My smile faded a bit. "Nothing"

"It really doesnt look like its nothing." He glanced back at Jake then at me.

I shook my hands in front of me. "No no no nothing happened and nothing was going to happen." He looked down at my pants and i just remembered my little 'problem'. I panicked and covered it, "Nothing was going to happen! Really Jayy! I just brought Jake up here to rest and we were just talking and... I love you." The last bit just sounded like a lie.

He shook his head and laughed a little. "Thats a really weird way of talking..."

I stepped closer to him but he stepped back. "Jayy its fault... I couldnt help myself around him. It was just... was my fault. Im really sorry. The alcohol really... Really got to me. Im sorry. Dont take it out on Dahvie. It will...never happen again..." Jake said from behind me then Jayy shook his head and smiled with disbelief.

Jayy just turned around and ran downstairs. "Jayy!" I ran after him and didnt know what to feel. I didnt know what to do or what to say. Following Jayy eventually lead me out the house. When i got outside Jayy was now where in sight. I walked to the sidewalk and i felt my throat closing up and my eyes started to burn. Something shined in my face then I looked down and saw a bracelet. My heart sank to my stomach when I picked it up. It was a familiar bracelet with a red stone on the top right corner and a name written on it in cursive. My name. 'Dahvie'.

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