Ribbit For All (Izuku x Tsuyu) Part 1

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Izuku laid in the hospital bed, Recovery Girl's quirk doing its work. He groaned as the pain slowly left his arms, and he blinked a few times.

All Might had defeated Nomu, and the villains were forced to retreat. The good guys won.

That didn't mean Izuku wasn't still hurt, though.

He groaned, glancing at the door as it slowly opened. A familiar face stood in the doorway, a plain look on her face.

"Midoriya? Are you awake?" Tsuyu Asui asked, placing a finger to her chin.

"U-Um, yeah. Come in." Izuku stammered, a nervous smile arriving on his face. He couldn't help but blush, considering the fact that he found her to be cute and all.

The frog-girl walked in the room, standing next to the hospital bed.

"So, what's up?" Midoriya shyly asked.

"Well, I just wanted to thank you. Y'know, for leading me and Mineta in the fight against the villains at the USJ."

"Hm? Oh, no problem." Izuku said. "I'm just glad All Might was able to save you from that Shigaraki guy."

"True." Tsuyu said, sitting on the hospital bed and looking down at Izuku. "But we wouldn't have made it that far if it weren't for you." Tsuyu placed a hand on Izuku's face, causing him to blush. "You're my hero, Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku could feel something happening to his body. Some type of...warmth in his chest. He sat up in the hospital bed, leaning his back on the wall. "I couldn't have done it without you and Mineta."

Tsuyu noticed the blanket slip off Midoriya's body slightly, and blushed. "Midoriya, you're very muscular for someone our age."

"Oh, uh, t-thanks, Asui-chan." Izuku blushed red as he said this.

"Call me Tsu." Tsuyu said, placing a hand on Izuku's chest. "You have quite a lot of definition here."

"Y-Y-Yeah, t-t-thanks." Izuku stuttered, his blush now a deep crimson.

"But anyhow..." Tsuyu said, moving her hand from off Izuku's chest. "There's something I wanted to tell you. And also ask you. A confession, of sorts."

Izuku had a curious look as he said, "What is it, Tsu?"

"Ever since I had met you on the bus, I couldn't help but think about you. There was just something about you, but I wasn't sure what it was. I guess I thought you were funny. But it wasn't just that."

Tsuyu put her finger to her chin as Izuku's blush reddened further. "I wasn't sure what it was until the USJ attack. You were so brave, so confident." Tsuyu said, turning to look at Izuku. "It wasn't until after you jumped in to help fight Shigaraki that I realized, ribbit."


Tsuyu blushed a little as she said, "That I liked you. That I liked you more than just a friend. I romantically liked you." Tsuyu scooted closer to Midoriya, their faces less than a foot apart.

Izuku was at a loss for words. One of the girls he developed a recent crush on actually liked him back!?

"Tsuyu, I-" Midoriya began, before the frog girl placed a finger over his lips.

"Before you begin stammering, I just need to know." Tsuyu quickly said. "Just nod yes or no. Understood?"

Izuku slowly nodded.

"Midoriya...Do you like me back?" Tsuyu asked, hope in her voice.

Izuku slowly nodded up and down, his blush as dark-red as blood.

"Okay. Good." Tsuyu said, grabbing Izuku's cheeks. "Then you won't find this odd, ribbit."

"Find wha-"

Izuku got his answer when Tsuyu kissed him. Her gentle lips connected to his, and the frog-girl closed her eyes in romantic joy. Izuku was taken by surprise. He felt the warmth in his chest extend to the rest of his body, and he closed his eyes.

After an eternity of seconds, Tsuyu pulled away. She had a smile on her face, and she kept her hands on Izuku's face.

"That was...Nice."

"Y-Yeah. It was." Izuku stuttered, a loving but nervous smile on his face.

"I want to do it again." Tsuyu said before kissing Izuku again. Izuku didn't even have time to respond before she separated and kissed him a third time.

After the fourth time, Tsuyu pulled away with a smile and a blush. "Did you like that too, Midoriya?"

Izuku was so out of his comfort zone romantically that all he could do was nod in response.

"Good, ribbit." Tsuyu laid on the hospital bed next to Izuku, and pecked his cheek.

"T-Tsu, what are you doing? The dismissal bell will ring soon." Izuku stuttered.

"I'm going to stay here with you for just a little bit longer, Midoriya." Tsuyu said, pressing her face up against his, cheek-by-cheek. "You trust me, don't you?"


"Then an hour of me staying here with you wouldn't hurt, would it?"

Izuku smiled, realizing that he was now laying beside his new girlfriend. "No. It wouldn't hurt at all."

Tsuyu curled up next to Izuku, snuggling him. "Good."

The two eventually fell asleep, enjoying each other's embrace.


Author's Note

Alright guys, that was VERY short compared to some of my other stuff. But that's how it'll be for most of these starter stories. This is one out of the four in the first set of stories, and voting will be opened after the fourth story in the first set. The other three stories coming up are:

A Bakugo x Momo story

A Minoru Mineta x OC story

A Kamui Woods x Mount Lady Story

Alright guys, that's all. Go check out the other stories I'm writing, Dragon Ball Z: Multiverse High, and Even Heroes Find Love: A My Hero Academia Story. I think you'll like those if you liked this. Comment what ships you'd like to see in the next set.

Catch you guys in the next chapter!

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