Power Couple (Izuku x Mt. Lady, sorta) Part 1

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"Ana, I'm going to go on patrol! I'll be back in a few hours!" Mt. Lady called from the front door of her home.

"Okay, big sis!" Anastasia 'Ana' Takeyama responded, her eyes glued to the television.

Ana had decided to move to Musutafu with her big sister to get more knowledge of what being a hero in the big city is like. However, this was a big life decision, since the girl was only high-school age.

However, her sister had connections. Ana would be attending the Yuuei academy as soon as the sports festival was over, becoming a student in Class 1-A. And because students from her future class are in the festival, she wanted to see it for herself.

A very attractive boy with white and red hair walked onto the stage, a somber look on his face. Ana raised her eyebrows slightly, becoming slightly infatuated.

And then, another boy walked onto the stage. He had green, curly hair, freckles, and a proud smile.

Himawari's eyes opened wide at the sight of the boy, his smile intoxicating her. As the camera zoomed in on the boy, a caption appeared on the screen.

"Izuku Midoriya of Class 1-A"

"Izuku Midoriya, huh?" Ana mumbled, licking her lips. She scooted a little closer as the battle began. "He's pretty cute. And he has a pretty strong quirk."

As the battle went on, Ana grew to like the boy even more. His strategies, his speech to the other boy, even the fact he lost.

He was...Amazing. A true hero in the making.

Exactly the type of person she was aspiring to be.

When the battle was over and the broadcast went to commercial break, Ana found herself hoping that the green-haired boy was okay. His body was very beaten up.

She couldn't help but think one thing: She can't wait to meet him.

Timeskip - After the Sports Festival

Ana walked through the halls, a confident smile on her face. She could tell that the students were looking at her, and she couldn't blame them. She was a pretty girl with creamy blonde hair put into two cute ponytails, with purple eyes and an athletic, yet girly figure. She was average height for a girl, only 5'4".

Ana walked up to the door of Class 1-A, anticipation flooding her mind. She took a deep breath, and pushed the door into the room.

As soon as she walked in, everyone in the class turned to look at her. The teacher must not have been in the room yet, because a bunch of students were interacting. Well, except for a tall kid with blue hair who sat very tensely in his seat. He glanced at her, and then jumped out of his seat towards her.

"Good morning! If you're the transfer Aizawa-sensei told us about, allow me to introduce myself! My name is Tenya Iida!" He extended a hand.

Ana slowly shook it. "Anastasia Takeyama."

"Takeyama?" A boy with yellow hair with a black streak asked. "That sounds familiar."
"It's Mt. Lady's last name, dummy." A girl with violet hair said. She was sitting in his lap and laying on him, so the two were clearly a couple.

"Mt. Lady's your mom!?!?!?" A pink girl asked.

"No, my sister." Ana said.

"That's pretty cool, having a pro hero as your family." A voice said from behind.

Ana perked up at the voice, and turned. Right there in front of her was the boy she had admired from the television screen.

"H-Hi." Izuku Midoriya stuttered, giving a slight wave. "I'm-"
"Izuku Midoriya!" Ana exclaimed. She jumped forward and hugged the boy, causing him to blush furiously. "I've been wanting to meet you for so long, cutie!"

"MIDORIYA WHAT THE HELL!?!?!??!???" Mineta screamed.

Ana pulled away and then got right in Izuku's face. "I think you're so cool! You were so inspiring during the Sports Festival! And your quirk, oh my gosh! It's powerful, just like mine!" Ana flexed her right arm while grinning.

"U-Uh, thanks...." Midoriya stammered.

"Anastasia Takeyama!" She made a sly face. "But you can call me Ana, cutie."

She placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder and gave him a flirtatious look, causing the boy to blush crimson.

"Geez, give the guy some space!" A red-haired boy said, dividing the two.

Ana let go of Izuku, but still gazed at him with infatuation and admiration. "Okay, sorry for smothering you, Izuku."

"Smothering who?" A tired voice asked.

Ana turned to the sound, seeing a man with long, black hair and tired, dry eyes.

"Ah! You must be the teacher! I'm Anast-"

"Anastasia Takeyama, I know. Your sister told me about your arrival. You can sit-"

"Behind Midoriya?" Ana hopefully asked. She gave the green-haired boy a longing glance, and he blushed once more.

"No, you'll be the twenty-first seat in the correct order." Aizawa pointed to a chair where an...Invisible girl?! Sat. Ana nodded, moving to her seat. She glanced at Izuku, and the two locked eyes again. She winked at him, causing him to blush an unhealthy red yet again.

"Kaminari and Jiro, please separate." Aizawa stated.

The two were hugging each other closely, both wrapped up on Kaminari's desk.

"Aw, c'mon Mr. Aizawa!" Kaminari complained. "We're not bothering anyone."

"No, he's right. I'll go to my desk." Jiro hopped off the electric boy, pecking him on the cheek before walking away. "Love you."

"Love you too." Kaminari replied, a smile on his face.

Ana watched the interaction and smiled. She found herself imagining her and Izuku doing the same. She found herself snapped out of it when an invisible hand touched her shoulder.

"Hey! Name's Toru Hagakure, nice to meet you!" The girl told her.

"Hi. Name's Anastasia Takeyama, but you can just call me Ana." Ana replied.

"So...You like Izuku, huh?" Toru questioned. Ana couldn't see her face, but she could tell it was a sly one.

"Yeah." Ana swooned, thinking of Izuku yet again.

"Well, I think I can help you out." Toru said.

The two began to conversate, Ana determined to make Izuku her boyfriend.

Alright guys, that was the first quarter of this new set. We had a pretty interesting turnout in the votes. Remember, I was only going to pick one Izuku story out of three. I made Izuku x Jiro and Izuku x Momo an option, but somehow, Izuku x Mt. Lady's younger sister got more votes. So anyway, the stories that are in the set are:

Power Couple - Izuku x Mt. Lady (sorta)

Spin the Bottle - Mina x Shinso

Let's Get Married! - Eraserhead x Ms. Joke

Hair Twins - Izuku x Setsuna (Part 3)

Hope you guys are ready! And don't worry, Izuku x Jiro and Izuku x Momo will get another shot with the next set.

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