Sparring Partners (Izuku x Kendo) Part 1

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Izuku itched his hair in nervousness as he walked through the halls. He wasn't exactly sure how he was supposed to ask what he wanted to ask, but he knew he was SUPPOSED to ask.

It had started after Class 1-A had fought Class 1-B. Izuku had seen how capable Kendo was against Momo, and was curious about how she trained her fighting style. Afterwards, he had asked Momo about Kendo, and the girl had simply said:

"Yes, she'll most likely be okay with training with you. I'll text her ahead of time. Just don't be weird."

Izuku arrived at the hall with her Kendo's dorm, and put a determined look on his face.

Kendo's POV

Itsuka stretched her arms as she read the message Momo sent. She smiled at Izuku's name, and then smiled a little wider when she read that he's on his way to her dorm. She rubbed her hands together in anticipation. She had never really talked to Izuku at all, but she couldn't help but be astonished by him at the Sports Festival. His quirk is powerful, his technique is amazing, he's very smart...

And he's pretty cute, too. Cute enough to make Kendo develop a crush on him.

Kendo turned at the sound of a knock on her door. She looked at herself in her full-body mirror, checking her outfit. She wore some baggy shorts, a headband, and a comfy, sleeveless gym-shirt.

She opened the door, and was greeted by a crimson red face.

Normal POV

When the door opened, Izuku blushed as soon as he saw Kendo. This was the first time he'd ever been up close to her, and he'd never really gotten a good look

The two were the same height, so they were completely level with each other. They both locked eyes, and Izuku could feel himself shuddering from nervousness.

"Hi, Midoriya." Kendo said, a small blush on her face.

"H-H-Hello, Kendo-san." Izuku stammered, trying to force out the question. "I-I was just wondering if, uh, you'd be interested in, um, tr-"

"Training with you, yeah! Yaoyorozu already informed me!" Itsuka held Izuku's hand, and quickly walked while pulling him along. "Come on, let's go to Gym Gamma!"

"U-Um, okay!"


Izuku panted as he used a shoot-style kick, Kendo used one hand as a shield, and then slapped him away with the other. The boy simply kick-bounced himself off the wall and charged an air blast. He fired it off, and it knocked Kendo's hands open. Izuku saw his opening, and leaped forward with a kick. It connected, causing Kendo to have the wind knocked out of her. Izuku stopped after this, releasing One for All from his body.

He put a caring hand on her shoulder. "Sorry about that!"

Itsuka coughed some air in, and then smirked. "Gotcha."

The girl kicked Izuku's legs out from under him, and then used a big hand to slam him to the floor.

She had completely trapped him.

"Don't underestimate your opponent, even in simple sparring." Kendo scolded, lifting up Midoriya with her big hands. The girl took a step forward as she began to lower Izuku. "You need to-WHOA!"

Kendo had accidentally tripped over her OWN FOOT, and dropped Izuku. She shrunk her hands to normal size as she fell on top of Izuku on the ground. She quickly sat up so she didn't suffocate the green-haired boy, a blush on her face.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally tripped!" She quickly said, clapping her hands together in apology. She then looked at Izuku, who was blushing furiously.

"I-It's okay, Kendo-san!" Izuku said as the two stood. Izuku flashed her a thumbs-up and smiled. "Thanks for the tip!"

Kendo smiled back, flashing Izuku a thumbs-up as well. "No problem! You're technique is amazing, I learned a lot from you as well!"

Izuku nodded. "Same thing next week?"

Kendo nodded back. "Sure!"

MIdoriya began to turn and walk away, but Kendo reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder purely through instinct. The boy's face turned dark-red.

"Izuku?" Kendo softly asked, biting her lip.

"Y-Yeah?" Izuku stuttered, turning to look at Kendo. He blushed furiously after he heard her call him by his first name.

"Are you... Single?" Kendo asked, looking deep into Midoriya's eyes, clearly wanting the answer to be "no".

Izuku didn't have to think about what she had asked. It was entirely clear why she was asking.

Izuku softly smiled and said (without stuttering), "Yes. I'm not romantically involved with anybody."

"Okay, good. Because-" Kendo turned Izuku all the way around to face her, and then stepped closer. "-It would of been awkward if you had a girlfriend and I tried this."

"This?" Izuku asked. "W-What do you-"

He was silenced when Kendo pecked him on the lips. It was a short kiss, but she still made it feel passionate. She pulled away with a blush, smiling nervously.

"That wasn't awkward, was it?" Itsuka asked, biting her lip.

"N-No, not at all!" Izuku happily exclaimed, still stuttering. "I...I enjoyed it!"

Izuku had a wide, incredibly nervous smile as he saw Kendo smiling back.

"We should try that again sometime." Kendo giggled, punching Izuku's shoulder.

"Y-Yeah, we should." Izuku stuttered.

"Wanna walk back to the main campus with me?" Itsuka asked, extending a hand to the green-haired boy.

Izuku nodded with a blush, and took her hand in his. He blushed even more when Kendo intentionally pressed her side up on his.

The two walked out of Gym Gamma, both smiling somewhat awkwardly.


Okay guys, that was part 3 out of 4 for the first set. One quick thing I wanted to let you guys know: From now now on, the stories in a set will be set under a certain theme. That way, you all can draw better comparisons between the characters. Also, from now on, you guys will be able to vote which four stories will be in the next set. So, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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