Hair Twins (Izuku x Setsuna) Part 2

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As Classes 1-A and 1-B exited their class for the lunch period, Izuku looked around for a certain someone. When he didn't see her, he lowered his head in slight disappointment. As he began to walk off, he felt two hands grab his hair.

"Midoriya!" Tokage called from the Class 1-B doorway. She jogged over, her hands floating back to her wrist sockets.

She ruffled Izuku's hair, causing the boy to blush. "I wanna sit with you at lunch!"

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise. "O-O-Okay, that'll be fine. I sit with Mineta, Kaminari, and Sero on Tuesdays, if that's okay with you."

"Mineta and Sero, huh?" Setsuna pondered, looking at the crowd of 1-B kids. "Hey, Komori and Tsunotori!"
The horn-girl and mushroom-girl both turned in her direction. "Hm?"

"Me and Midoriya are going to sit together at lunch, and Sero and Mineta are going to be there with us!" Setsuna teased, flicking a thumbs-up at the two. The lizard-girl quietly held Izuku's hand while she said this, and Izuku's jaw dropped when it happened.

"She's...HOLDING MY HAND!" Izuku thought to himself.

Pony and Kinoko gleefully followed Setsuna as she pulled Izuku alongside her.

"C'mon, hair twin!" Tokage giggled, pointing to the lunchroom.

Eventually, the four arrived to the cafeteria. Mineta and the others' jaws dropped when they saw Midoriya walk in holding hands with the girl.


"Hi, Mineta." Komori flirted, waving at the grape-boy.

Mineta immediately shut up and put on a suave face. "Hey, there. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing good now that I'm here." Komori giggled. She sat next to Mineta, causing the boy to blush.

Tsunotori also sat next to Sero, the two beginning a conversation. Kaminari looked a little awkward upon realizing he was the only one without a girl next to him, until a familiar earphone jack float in front of his face.

"Hey, dummy." Jiro said, sitting next to Denki.

The boy smiled, and then nudged Jiro with his elbow. "Hey."

Setsuna sat down, pulling Izuku down with her. The girl ate some of her lunch and made sure she was shoulder-to-shoulder with Izuku, causing the boy to blush even more.

"So, how was your day?" Setsuna asked, biting her lip and staring up at Izuku.

"Oh, U-Um..." Izuku began. "It w-w-was good, h-how was y-yours?"

Setsuna giggled. "You literally stutter all the time, Midoriya." She then gave him a grin as she said, "It's adorable."

"Did she say it was...adorable?!?!?!?" Midoriya asked himself, looking into Setsuna's eyes.

"Y-You think it's adorable?" He nervously asked.

Setsuna gave him a sly smile. "No, not just the stuttering. I think you're adorable, Midoriya." She looked him up and down, giving him a look.

Izuku had his signature crimson blush as Setsuna grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of her. She held him mere inches away, and licked her lips.

"You think I'm cute, right Midoriya?" Setsuna flirtatiously asked.

Izuku slowly and nervously nodded, and Setsuna pulled him closer.

"So you would like it if I kissed you, right Midoriya?"

Izuku understood what she was doing now. He nodded, and gulped in anticipation.

Setsuna pulled him even closer, and bit her lip once again. "Do you want to kiss me, Midoriya?"

Suddenly, a whip flicked out in front of them. Setsuna let go of Izuku and sat straight-up in surprise.

Midnight rolled her eyes at the two, shaking her head. "Come now, you know the rules. No extreme PDA in the lunchroom."

"Sorry!" Setsuna and Izuku said in unison.

As Midnight walked away, Setsuna winked at Izuku. "Maybe some other time." She teased.

Izuku nodded, warmth in his heart. Setsuna was very straightforward, and pretty quick to make the first move...

But that's kinda what he liked about her.

She held his hand again as they ate lunch, the "bro table" becoming more of a quadruple date table.


As the students headed back to the classes, Izuku found himself being pulled alongside Tokage yet again. When they reached the 1-A and 1-B hall, the lizard girl backed him up against the wall.

"Hey, Midoriya." She said, placing a hand on his stomach. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

"U-Um, n-n-not that I know of..." Izuku stammered. "Maybe just s-some exercise."
Setsuna smiled, locking eyes with him as she walked her fingers up from his stomach to his chest. "Do you need a workout partner?" She flirtatiously asked while she poked on his chest.

Izuku blushed yet again. "Um, t-that'd be nice."

Setsuna giggled, and then grabbed Izuku's collar and pulled him down to her height. She licked her lips, and locked eyes with the green-haired boy.

"I can think of a few other 'nice' things we can do together, y'know. A few things I'd really like to do with you." Setsuna pulled Izuku closer, and the boy's blush turned crimson. "And I always go after what I like, hair twin."

She let go of Izuku's collar and batted her eyes at him. She ruffled his hair, and then walked to Class 1-B.

"Bye, hair twin!" She said, flashing a peace sign as she strutted into the classroom.

Izuku waved. "B-Bye, hair twin."

Izuku walked into Class 1-A, thoughts of Setsuna in his head and in his heart.

Setsuna's POV

As Setsuna walked into Class 1-B, she was greeted by her group of friends.

"So, how'd it go at the lunch table?" Kendo asked, not having been there to see.

"It was amazing!" Komori gleefully said. "Mineta is so funny and kind, he's great to spend time with!"

"Shihai acted normal for once when I held his hand." Kodai said, glancing at the shadow-boy as he walked into the class.

"Tsuburaba was very kind as well." Yanagi stated.

"Sero is so devouring, pizza spaghetti lamp shade." Tsunotori said. She apologized once again when she realized she got her Japanese wrong.

"How about you, Tokage?" Kendo curiously asked.

Setsuna smiled and giddily jumped up and down a few times. "Midoriya is so adorable, I just want to grab his face and kiss him!"


Alright, that was Hair Twins Part 2. Hope you guys liked it. Now, for the voting! The options are:

No Sleep (Izuku x Mei)

Love Letter (Izuku x Mina)

Age Gap (Izuku x Nejire)

Hair Twins (Izuku x Setsuna)

So, what will it be? Will Hair Twins get a third part, or will one of the other stories get a part two and take its place? Begin voting!

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