Hair Twins (Izuku x Setsuna) Part 1

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Izuku walked through the halls of Yuuei, writing in his notebook. He continued to write down notes as he turned into the hall with classes 1-A and 1-B as he wrote another analytical fact about the students in Class 1-B.

As he finished the page of notes, he felt, a hand tap his shoulder.


Izuku quickly whipped around, a surprised look on his face. He noticed that a floating hand was right behind him, with no body to go along with it.

"GAH!" Izuku tripped and fell on his butt. He blinked at the hand as it floated above him, following it as it floated away. He noticed it attach to a wrist socket, and then noticed the girl it attached to.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Setsuna Tokage said, walking over and helping Midoriya stand up.

Midoriya dusted off his pants, stammering, "T-Thanks."

Izuku and Setsuna locked eyes, causing the boy to blush. He was 3 inches taller, and the girl looked up slightly into his eyes.

"S-So, how are things in Class 1-B?" Izuku asked, picking up his notebook.

Setsuna raised an eyebrow. "Really? How are things in Class 1-B? That's what you think girls want to talk about?" Setsuna made a face, fake-stuttering. "I-I'm M-Midoriya, I h-h-have a s-strong quirk and n-no c-c-confidence!"

Midoriya nervously laughed. "Y-Yeah, I guess that's how I talk."

"Not saying that it's annoying or anything." Setsuna complimented, softly placing her hand on Midoriya's. "You just need to break out your shell, is all." Setsuna smiled, causing Izuku to blush.

The lizard girl looked down, and noticed Izuku's open notebook. "What ya got there?"

"Oh, this?" Izuku flipped through the pages, pointing at some of his notes. "It's my notebook. I record facts about all the students' quirks, their costumes, stuff like that."

"Cool!" Setsuna quickly moved from in front of Izuku to right next to him. "Do I have a page in here?"

Izuku nodded, flipping to her section of the notebook. He pointed at it, and blushed when he saw Setsuna's grin.

"Wow, you really understand my quirk well!" Setsuna's eyes scanned the page, reading every note. She then looked back at Izuku with a smile. "You're a pretty good observer."

"T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-" Izuku attempted, but couldn't get out the words.

"T-T-Thank you, Setsuna, you're very kind and very cute." Setsuna teased. "That's what you were trying to say, right?"

"U-Um, yeah." Izuku stuttered.

"Wait, did she just say that I was trying to say I thought-" Izuku began to think to himself.

"So, you think I'm cute, huh?" Setsuna teased.

"What? No, that's not what I was trying-I mean, it's not that you AREN'T cute, I just-I mean, you are, but that's not what I-" Izuku blurted, trying to correctly say his thoughts.

Tokage laughed out loud, placing an arm on and leaning on Izuku. "I'm just messing with you, dummy! For a guy so smart, you sure can't express your thoughts." Setsuna gave Izuku another warm smile, causing him to blush yet again. He blushed even more when she put her hand on his hair. "You have green, curly hair, just like me!"

"Y-Yeah, I guess we've got that in common." Izuku said, smiling back at Setsuna.

Then, the class bell rang. BBBBRRRRRIIIIIIINNNNNGGGG!!!

"Saved by the bell, dummy." Setsuna teased, detaching her hand from her wrist. She turned to walk to Class 1-B, her hand lifting from Izuku's hair and following her. "Catch you later, hair twin!"

Izuku nodded and waved goodbye. "O-Okay, hair twin!"

As Izuku walked to his homeroom class, he made his dopey face.

"I JUST TALKED TO A GIRL!" He thought to himself.


Setsuna opened the door to Class 1-B with a big smile on her face. Her friends (Yui Kodai, Kinoko Komori, Pony Tsunotori, Ibara Shiozaki, Reiko Yanagi, and Itsuka Kendo) all noticed how extra-chipper she was today.

"What happened, Tokage? You get boiled wood for lunch?" Pony asked.

Yui raised an eyebrow at the American transfer, and she realized she had messed up on her Japanese. "Oh geez, I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, Tsunotori." Setsuna giggled, sitting in a "girl's group" of desks.

"So, what has occured?" Yanagi asked, a somewhat curious expression on her face.

"Well, I kinda-sorta talked to a certain boy from Class A." Setsuna said, smiling while thinking of Izuku.

"Ooh, I musht ask who it is!" Komori said, a wondering look on her face.

"Well, his last name starts with an "M", and ends with an "Idoriya"." Setsuna snickered.

Kendo raised an eyebrow. "Midoriya, huh? The nervous one with the powerful quirk?"

Setsuna nodded. "That one! I got him to reveal he thinks I'm cute. He gets so flustered so easy when he's around a girl, it's adorable." Setsuna raised her eyebrows in questioning. "Now that I've revealed my little secret, who are you girls currently interested in?"

Kendo cleared her throat and said, "Tetsutetsu."

The girls oohed at this, causing Kendo to playfully roll her eyes.

"I think Kuroiro is pretty attractive. He gets too into his quirk sometimes, though." Kodai said, resting her face on her hand.

"I like a boy from Class A too, Setsuna." Pony said, blushing at the thought of her crush. "Sero. He's so handsome when he smiles!"

"I kinda like someone from 1-A too, but..." Komori blushed and looked down, twirling her fingers. "I don't think you all will have a high opinion of me for it."

"Why do you say that?" The girls all asked.

Komori sighed. "I have a crush on Mineta."

All the girls gasped, causing Komori to become a little miffed. "He hit a growth spurt, and he's my height now! Every time I see him in the halls, I just want to rub his balls!" Komori blushed crimson when she realized how that sounded. "THE ONES ON HIS HAIR! THE ONES ON HIS HAIR!" Komori quickly said. "He's so cute."

Yanagi nodded. "I won't judge you. I find Tsuburaba-san attractive, mainly because of his confidence."

The 1-B girls continued talking, thoughts of Izuku still in Setsuna's head.


As Izuku wrote notes during class, he couldn't help but dwell on his meeting with Tokage in the hallway. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

Her laugh. Her confidence. Her smile. Her hair that matched his. Her beautiful, green eyes. Her jokes that brought out that beautiful, warm laugh,

Izuku then had another thought. One that made him blush.

"Do I have a crush on Tokage? After just a few minutes of talking?" Izuku thought to himself.

Alright guys, that was the end. The first 4 stories are now up for voting. Whichever one is voted for here will get a part 2 in the next set. The voting options are:

Ribbit For All (Izuku x Tsuyu)

Be my Bae (Camie Utsushimi x OC)

Sparring Partners (Izuku x Kendo)

Hair Twins (Izuku x Setsuna)

Make sure to comment which one YOU want to continue. Also, comment a heterosexual ship I should write a story for in the next set of stories. If a story is gets a continuation through 4 sets, then it'll be continued outside of this anthology.

Alright guys, see you next time!

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