Hair Twins (Izuku x Setsuna) Finale

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Alright guys, time for the long-awaited part 3 (and finale) to Hair Twins!


"Midoriya!" Setsuna yelled, running up to Izuku.

The two had just arrived on their buses to the school, and the reptilian girl was eager to see her crush.

The boy turned and smiled when he saw her. "Good morning, Setsu-"

Izuku was interrupted when the girl grabbed his collar and pulled him right in front of her face. She licked her lips, and suddenly, Kendo's huge hand blocked her view of him.

"Kendo, what the heck!?" Setsuna angrily asked, turning to her classmate.

"Sorry Tokage, the challenge only starts at lunch!" Kendo giggled, walking off.

Setsuna grumbled as Izuku asked, "W-What challenge? What w-were you about to do?"

"Don't worry about it, freckles." Setsuna teased, booping Izuku's nose. "Sit by me at lunch, okay?"

Izuku nodded with a warm smile, and Setsuna returned it. Izuku began to walk off, but Setsuna grabbed and pulled him back towards her by his hair. "I didn't say DON'T walk with me to class, Midoriya."

Izuku nervously laughed, and walked with Setsuna inside the school building.

What Setsuna didn't want to tell Izuku is that the girls of 1-B had challenged each other to see how many of them could get a kiss with their crush on this current day (Setsuna and Izuku, Kodai and Shihai, Komori and Mineta, Tsuburaba and Yanagi), but Setsuna was eager to get one from her crush. As they walked together to class, she admired him as he looked forward. He was so...great.


Izuku happily let Setsuna drag him to a seat next to her. He smiled when he felt her hand intertwine with his. He glanced and locked eyes with her, Tokage giving him a warm stare.

Komori was sitting next to Mineta, and Pony and Sero were off somewhere else. Kaminari and Jiro were sitting there, but they were very clearly off in their own little world.

Setsuna and Izuku gazed into each other's eyes for a second before the reptilian girl said "Come with me."

Izuku obliged, blushing furiously as Setsuna pulled him out of the cafeteria. Komori noticed, and then nudged Mineta. "Do you wanna go somewhere private?"

Later on...

Setsuna pushed Izuku onto a wall, a mischievous smile curling her lips.

"Are you ready, Midoriya?" Setsuna asked, licking her lips.

Izuku slowly nodded, understanding what Setsuna was talking about. "Y-Yes, Tokage-san."

Setsuna closed her eyes, and began to close the gap between her and the green-haired boy. Izuku did the same, closing his eyes and leaning into the motion.

The two's lips connected, butterflies entering Izuku's stomach. Setsuna kicked one foot up behind her as she pulled Izuku further into the kiss by his uniform.

Izuku could feel warmth entering his body as his lips continued to move on Tokage's. "I'm really kissing a girl right now! I-I h-hope I'm not messing it up!" He thought to himself.

Setsuna and Izuku continued to kiss until Setsuna slowly parted, an ecstatic grin on her face.

"You're a pretty good kisser, hair twin."

Izuku blushed crimson. "T-T-Thanks, To-"

Setsuna quickly connected lips with Midoriya again before separating. "I wanna keep kissing you, freckles." She snickered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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