Let's Get Married (Eraserhead x Ms. Joke) Part 1

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"Aizawa! Yo, Aizawa!"

Shota Aizawa's eyes slowly opened as a groan of tiredness escaped from his mouth. Hizashi Yamada was poking his head to wake him up.

"What do you want, Yamada?"

"Actually, it's more what I want." A feminine voice said.

Shota turned to see Nemuri Kayama, one of his classmates from 1-A. The girl was very outgoing, but also had kind of a pervy side.

The three were at lunch, all the students of Yuuei eating and conversating. Kan Sekijiro was off with the other members of 1-B,

"What is it, Kayama?" Aizawa asked, scratching his hair.

Nemuri batted her eyes at him, something she did to pretty much every mildly attractive boy she talked to. "So, I was going to sneak over to the Ketsubutsu High Culture Festival, but I didn't want to go alone. At first I asked Yamada..." She glanced at Hizashi and winked, causing the speaker-voiced boy to blush. "But he wanted to bring you along with us, since you're his friend and all."

Shota blinked in confusion. "So you want me to be a third wheel in your little date?"
"Oh, don't worry dude, it's not a da-" Hizashi was interrupted when Nemuri locked eyes with him. "Wait...Is it a date?"

Nemuri licked her lips as she looked Yamada up and down. "Maybe."

Yamada's face was red, but he was clearly happy.

"Okay, so why should I be a third wheel?" Shota asked pessimistically. "That makes no sense at all."

"Well, that's where part 2 comes in." Nemuri said. "There's a girl from Ketsubutsu that really liked your performance at the Sports Festival. She was asking me all about you! I gave her your phone number, but she said that you never responded to her messages."

Aizawa thought about it, and remembered. About a month and a half ago, he'd gotten a text message from an unknown number that read, "What do you and a cat have in common? You always look tired, have a lot of hair, and are extremely cute!"

He had simply read the message and never responded. He thought whoever it was must have had the wrong number. But...

There was a girl. One from Ketsubutsu, who liked him.

"What's her name?" He plainly asked, boredom still in his tone.

"Emi Fukukado. She got into Ketsubutsu through multiple recommendations, kinda like you." Nemuri teased.

"Hm." Shota scratched his hair. "I guess I'll tag along."

"Oh, yeah!" Hizashi exclaimed, accidentally using his quirk and disrupting the lunchroom. Students gave him confused looks, and he apologized.

"So, it's a date." Nemuri slyly said, walking over to Yamada. She pecked his cheek, and then ran her hand through his hair. "See you after school, Yamada."

"O-Okay." Hizashi smiled as Nemuri walked away. He then turned to Aizawa. "Dude, we're gonna be on a double date!"

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "I guess."


Nemuri, Hizashi, and Shota walked into the area, the Culture Festival at Ketsubutsu bustling with students. Teens glanced at them with curiosity, the trio being the only kids from another school in attendance.

Nemuri began to hold Hizashi's hand as they walked, snuggling up to him. He nervously smiled, and Shota just rolled his eyes.

"So, where is she?" Aizawa asked, his tone staying dead.

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