Cute Together (Shinso x Mina) Part 1

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The bottle circled in a 360 dozens of times before it eventually slowed. Hitoshi Shinso looked at it go on.

The purple-haired boy had been invited to a party with Class A and Class B, and then sequentially dragged to a dorm room.

He examined the circle he was in. It was him, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Mina Ashido, Toru Hagakure, Pony Tsunotori, Yosetsu Awase, and him. It had been his turn to spin the bottle, and he complied.

Now, as the bottle slowed, he found himself looking at the girls. It was decided that if a boy's spin landed on a boy/girl's spin landed on a girl, then they would just re-spin. So Shinso had four possibilities. Toru Hagakure seemed very nice and bubbly, but he couldn't even see her lips. Kyoka Jiro seemed more his type, but it was pretty clear that she wanted to be in the closet with Kaminari. She was constantly glancing over at him, biting her lip. Then there was the American transfer, Pony Tsunotori. He had no idea what her personality was.

And finally, Mina Ashido. She was interesting to Shinso. He found himself weirdly infatuated with her pink hair and pink skin, and had found himself lost in her eyes every so often. He didn't know what it was about her, but she's the only hero course girl that he had ever given a second look.

Then, as the bottle slowed, Shinso could feel himself getting a tiny bit nervous.

Mina smiled at the bottle, which pointed at her. She then looked at him, locking eyes. She licked her lips as she stood, extending a hand.

"Let's go, Shinso!" Mina excitedly said. Shinso took her hand, and walked with her to the closet.

The two headed inside, and then gave themselves a little room in between them. Shinso was six inches taller, and looked down at the pink girl.

"So..." He began. "...What do you want to do?" Shinso rubbed his neck nervously, a plain look on his face.

"Y'know..." Mina said, stepping closer to Hitoshi. She poked his chest, causing the slightest blush to show up on his face. "I've really wanted to get to know you, Shinso."

Hitoshi's eyes widened a little. "You...Have?"
"Yeah." Mina said. "You seemed so calm and collected during the sports festival, you weren't scared of anybody." The girl gave Shinso a kind smile. "And your quirk! It's so-"

"Villainous?" Shinso asked, slight sadness crossing his mind.

"No! No, not at all!" Mina said, a look of concern on her face. "It's so amazing, and you're so well verse in its uses! To get that far in the sports festival takes skill with a quirk like yours!"

Shinso was taken by surprise. No one had ever said something like that about his quirk. Not ever.

"Why would you think it's evil?" Mina asked.

"Hm? Oh, uh, no reason...Just...Usually, that's what people say about it." Shinso stammered.

Mina playfully punched Shinso's shoulder. "Well, don't let them tell you that! You shouldn't listen to them! They're probably just jealous of how cool of a quirk it is!"

Shinso found himself smiling back. "Th-Thanks, Ashido."

"Hey..." Mina stepped closer, walking her fingers along Shinso's chest. "What are friends for?"
"Oh, so we're friends now?"
"I mean, isn't it obvious?" Mina asked, propping her head to the side and looking into Shinso's eyes. "Now, while we're still in here..."

Mina reached her hand up Shinso's neck to the back of his head.

"You wanna have some fun?" She flirtatiously asked.

Shinso slowly nodded as he leaned down to kiss Mina. As their lips touched, he could feel warmth entering his heart. He pushed a little more, and felt butterflies in his stomach when he felt Mina push back.

They broke the kiss, both looking at each other with love in their eyes.

Mina grinned at Shinso. "I wanna do it again."

"So do I...I guess." Shinso kept a straight face, but secretly wanted to kiss Mina twenty more times.

This time, Mina jumped into Shinso's arms. The boy carried her as they kissed a second time, Mina wrapping her arms around his neck. They stayed like this even longer than the first kiss, only parting when they couldn't breathe. Shinso began to loosen his grip on Mina, but she shook her head.

"I want to stay like this in here, with you, for just a little longer." Mina said, ruffling his hair.

Shinso couldn't help but lose his hard demeanor and smile. "I want to, too."

However, their moment was ended when Toru opened the door. "Time's u-OH MY GOD, YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!"

Shinso immediately dropped Mina, and the girl folded her arms with a light smile.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Shinso grunted.

"We are NOT together." Mina playfully snarled.

"We don't even know each other." Shinso growled.

"So STOP assuming things, Hagakure." Mina said, putting on an irritated face.

"Wait...What?" Hagakure asked, confused.

Mina and Shinso both laughed as they walked over to the group of students. Mina slipped her hand inside Shinso's, and the two sat next to each other.

"So, is this a thing now?" Kaminari teased, making eyebrow motions in the two's direction.

"Why's it your business?" Shinso asked, but found himself opening his eyes wide in surprise when Mina pecked him on the cheek. He smiled slightly. "Yeah. It's a thing now."


It was morning at Yuuei academy, and students headed to their classes. The general education students shot looks at the hero course students, while the hero course students talked about what exciting new things would happen today. However, everyone's jaws dropped when they saw two people come down the hall together.

Mina was in the process of piggyback riding Shinso, the pink girl wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder.

"So, what are you learning today?" Mina softly asked.

"Most like logarithms in Algebra, which is easy for me." Shinso said, his usual tired look on his face. "Most classes are easy for me."

"Well, that's because you're like, super smart." Mina said, nibbling Shinso's ear. "My boyfriend, the brainwashing genius."

Shinso's frown turned upside down. "Yeah. I guess so."

As they arrived to the Class 1-A door, Shinso slid Mina off his back. The two faced each other, and Mina beckoned for him to lean down. He complied, and the two kissed. It lasted a good amount of time before they parted, happy smiles on both of their faces.

"I'll see you at lunch, 'kay?" Mina said, playfully punching Shinso's shoulder as he nodded. "I love you, Shinso."

"I love you too, Ashido." Shinso and Mina hugged one last time before parting, Shinso having to go to his general class.

As Mina walked in, all of Class 1-A looked at her with surprised eyes. She gave them a happy grin and said, "I know, right! Isn't he amazing?"

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