Chapter 2

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I sat in my bed all alone. Sydney has come by a few times but I mean who wants to just sit around and do nothing. Out of all people not Sydney! Sydney is strong, fast, and energetic. Nothing like me. I'm more "royalty" as she calls it since "I don't like getting my hands dirty." Man do I sound like a British person. Either way. Sydney always has to be active. I want to know why. She is so pretty. Syd had blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm the exact opposite. Brown hair and Brown eyes. Lucky me. She had no beauty marks on her face where my nose and cheeks are covered with freckles.

     Syd has come by to get me food but now it's Danny's turn. I hear him enter and walk up the stairs. I look at the clock and it's right after school. That is kinda weird since Danny has track.  

   "Danny?" I yelled. I reached over to grab my big metal flashlight or I should say one out of three metal flashlights off my dresser next to me. Mom says intruder throw them but make sure to hit them all three times. My door was opening slightly and I threw the flashlight as hard as I could but all it did was put a hole in my wall.

  "Geez El, I thought we were friends." Nate smiled behind the door. Nate was pretty cute he had brown hair, blue eyes, and pearly white teeth. He has a tan type skin from his mother's background of a little Cherokee Indian. It is very slight but it seems like he got every bit of it.

  "Dammit Nate! I thought you were trying to kill me!" He grabbed the flashlight and chuckled at the hole in the wall.

  "Well to actually kill me you have to aim a little better." He handed me the flashlight and I set it on my nightstand next to the other two. "What a collection you have there."

  "Well you're right, but you know what? I only have these flashlights here as self defense if someone breaks in. You know since I saved your ass from getting hit by a car." I said as snarky as I could.

    "El. I'm so sorry. I didn't even care about that stupid fight." He looked down ashamed as he handed me my plate of food. He went to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

   "Nate. I'm only teasing. I would save you and my brother again if I had the chance. But please don't leave. Why did you get in that fight anyway?" I patted for him to sit on my bed to talk. "Nate please stay. Danny and my family is busy. I have no one to be here for me. And I know I can sucker you into staying." He smiled at me.

     "I fought him because Natalie cheated on me with David." He looked down at his hand. I know he didn't really love Natalie like he says he did but he did care a lot about her.

    "Nate. I'm sorry. But it's not like she's a nice person. It's not like she's an even decent person. Honestly I don't know why you went for her. She's mean, cruel, and honestly a bitch. Nate you could do better than her. Plus David is a piece of trailer park trash and you are way better than him in looks, and everything else. So don't let that bother you." Nate looked at me shocked about what I said. But David he was scrawny and wasn't very attractive.

   "El? Did you just say I was more attractive than David?" I was red in the face and I could tell. He was smiling with a huge smile. He caught me rambling.

  "Nate, I was rambling. And when I'm rambling my thoughts get all. Well you know." I smiled.

   "Well I don't think I've ever rambled on about the fact that someone is attractive. I mean as long as I liked them. Well you know. Right El?" I was so confused. He was trying to embarrass me when I was trying to make him feel better about Natalie? What the heck?

   "You know what I don't get Nate? That I'm just trying to help you boost your self confidence but not like you care. You're too busy teasing me about me rambling on. Which isn't cool trying to embarrass me which isn't going to work. I have known you for too long. You know my darkest secrets, you know everything about me. And the same goes for you. I know your darkest secrets, so you trying to get me to be embarrassed isn't going to work." I crossed my arms on my chest and I heard a tear in the wrap.

   "Are you okay El?" My face had gone cold because my wrapping had torn.

   "Nate. Can you tape me back up?" I grabbed the tape and threw it at him. He smiled and nodded. I had all my wrapping under my shirt and I looked like a mummy from my ribs up. Luckily I didn't need it on my arms.

  Nate lifted up my shirt a little to try and find where it tore. I just took it off because I was all covered. He jumped on the bed behind me squatting on my pillows. He reached his hands over me and wrapped me. I moved my long wavy hair out of the way so that he didn't get the tape stuck. He had finished but instead of getting down he set the tape down.

   "El. You know why I wasn't really mad at David and Natalie being together? It just made me mad she cheated." He brushed his fingers on my neck and ran his finger through the bottom of my hair.

   "Why Nate?" I asked. I took a big gulp and a deal breath I had a bad feeling about this.

   "Because I actually liked someone else. Do you know who she is El?" He moved me over just a little so he could see me and look me in the eyes. He had this yearn in his eyes. I've never seen this in Nate. "You're smart El. Who is it?"

    "Nate. I can't read minds." I nervously laughed. "I may be smart but I don't read people's minds. In case you forgot." All he did was chuckle.

  "El. It's you. It's always been you." He reached his hand around my back. He moved my hair out of my face and gently kissed me. It took my breath away. My brother's best friend likes me. And is kissing me. He stopped for a second. Nate just looked me in the eyes for reassurance. I then pulled him back in for another kiss. I hadn't even thought about Nate and I bring anything but all of a sudden he was everything I wanted. Was this why I've never found an interest in a guy?

  He kissed me, and kissed me. He started kissing my neck and I laid my head on the pillow because I was too weak to hold myself up. He still had his hand in the crevice of my back. He kept kissing me. He bit my bottom lip lightly. Like he was hungry but his soft touch got the best of him. He kicked my boot a little and I was in pain and he could tell. He got up and just sat on the edge of my bed. 

  "Nate. What the hell just happened?" I smiled at him.

  "I don't know El. But I liked it. I like you. If that's not crazy. I'm best friends with your brother. But gosh. How could I not like you?" He grabbed my hand.

   "Nate. What are we going to tell Danny? Please don't tell him. I want to be the one to tell him. But whenever I get better."

   "Okay. We'll tell him when you get better." He smiled at me as his hand was brushed against mine. "I'll come back tomorrow because I mean you saved my life too. And plus your brother is at track."

  "Okay. See you then? Unless you want to stay for dinner?" He just laughed.

   "El. Don't you think it would be weird to have dinner. When we just kissed?" I nodded. He was right.

  "Ya it would be weird. But I mean before you leave can I have another one?" I asked with my puppy dog eyes. He leaned over and kissed me. I smiled again and he just left with the door open. He had walked through that door an hour ago but came in as my brother's best friend but left as possibly my first boyfriend. But now for the hard part telling Danny.

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