PJO AU Pt. 1

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"Come on, Doc, please?"

"I said no, Ren."

Ren sighs, crossing his arms. He'd been following Doc around for the better part of the morning, asking the son of Hephaestus to repair his sword. It had been bent pretty badly after a spar with the crazy good fighter from the Nemesis cabin, so it wasn't even Ren's fault! But, Doc won't give in. On the other hand, neither will Ren.

"I'll do anything, Doc. You know you can fix it."

"Yeah," Doc agrees."but I also have other things to do today."

Ren grumbles for a bit, then gets an idea. He shifts, jutting a hip out and switching his frustrated expression for a soft smile.

"Fix my sword, Doc," Ren says, his voice more sultry, and flirtatious. "I know you want to."

To the surprise of everyone else working in the forge, Doc flushes, and seems to be at a loss for words.

"Yeah... yeah, I do want to... Give it to me. I can fix it."

Ren hands Doc the bent sword, then smiles up at Doc, putting a hand on his arm.

"Thank you, Doc. You're the best."

Doc nods, getting to work as Ren saunters out of the forge. He turns the corner, and is met with Iskall. Ren smirks, and holds his hand out.

"15 drachmas. Pay up."

Iskall stares at him, dumbfounded. "No way. No way you did that!"

"See it and weep, potato head," Ren laughs, pointing over his shoulder to the forge's entrance.

Iskall peaks in the forge, and curses. He trudges back to Ren, and hands the money over. "How in Hades did you manage that?"

Ren takes the coins, and makes sure they're safe in the pouch attached to his belt before responding.

"You never said I couldn't use charmspeak."

"You-!!" Iskall lets out a frustrated noise and starts chasing Ren, who scampers off, laughing all the while.

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