Chapter 59

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A/n: over 800 reads!?!?! This is amazing! I love you all so much! 💜💖💜

~Purple Dragon  (22/02/19)


Edited: 17/06/2020


Cally's pov

The walk to the Homestead was awful. It reminded me of my first few weeks in the Glade. Everyone was staring at us, well, at them. Thomas and Minho. I get why. They just did something that everyone thought was impossible. But still, all the staring made me very uncomfortable.
     Clint and Jeff examined the two Gladers. I just sat with them, trying not to attack them with the questions I- and almost everyone else- had.
     While the two were getting patched up, I decided to go get them some food. Frypan didn't complain while I took the food and water for them. He asked me what had happened, but I couldn't answer since I didn't know either. 
     After Minho and Thomas were patched up and had something to eat, they both went to get some well-earned rest.
     While they slept, Alby was taken down from the wall by a group of Gladers. We all were concerned that he didn't get the Grieve serum in time, but after what seemed like hours of waiting, it started to work. Relieve came over me, but it soon got replaced by worry and sadness as he started to go through the Changing. The horrible, blood-chilling screams that came from his room were the worst. It didn't take long before Minho woke up from them. He tried to sleep more, but it was almost impossible with Alby's screams echoing through the entire Glade.
     Minho had explained what had happened inside the Maze. At first, Newt wanted to talk with Minho in private, but I convinced him to let me listen as well. I could barely believe what Minho told us. First, Thomas had tight Alby up in the ivy on the walls, while Minho had been running for his life from the Grievers. Then, when they met again, Thomas was trapped by a Griever. But instead of panicking, he waited until the Griever was close enough, and he jumped away, giving him the time to run to safety. Well, not really safety, but still close enough. This had given Minho the idea to do the same, but then by the Cliff. The two shanks killed off four Grievers by letting them crash down an abyss. During the story, I started to wonder, did this happen in the movie? And if it did, why don't I remember such an important part?
     The story spread like fire through the Glade. Before the night had fallen, everyone knew it and was talking about it. I, on my turn, was deeply impressed by what Thomas and Minho had done. Only I was more worried about Alby at the moment. His screams made me think back to my time going through the Changing, and I got the impression that from now on, I would get remembered of it every time some Shank got stung.
     I hadn't talked to Newt almost all day. He was busy arranging all kinds of things. I had no idea what he was doing, and to be honest, I was glad I had the time to clear my mind a little better. I had spent most of my day alone or with Minho. Thomas had woken up as well, but I hadn't really talked to him a lot yet.
     The Glade was becoming darker, and after the doors had closed, I went outside. Minho was sleeping again, I had no idea where Ezra or Newt were, and I just wanted some company. Almost immediately, my eyes fell on Thomas and Chuck. They were sitting by the edge of the Deadheads, Chuck noticed me first and waved me over.
     Bark was the first one to greet Chuck, her tail waking from side to side as he was petting her. I, on the other hand, ruffled Chuck's hair while I walked past him. Thomas looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, but before I did anything else, I swatted him on the back of his head. He yelped and crimped in, bringing his hands to the back of his head as if he still could protect it from getting hit.
     "What was that for?" Thomas asked annoyed.
     "For being such a Slinthead. Running into the bloody Maze right before the doors close! That's the stupidest thing you could've done."
     Thomas looked at me in disbelief, "You were gonna do the same thing!"
     "Yes, but I would've known what I got myself into. You just ran in without considering the consequences! Even after we all tried to tell you that it was suicide. It was stupid and reckless-" I stopped talking for a split second, Thomas had started to look down at his hands. He looked embarrassed but also frustrated and angry, so I decided to stop messing with him. I softened my voice and my expression before I continued, "-but also very brave."
     Now, Thomas head shot up and looked at me with slightly widened eyes, "you really think that or is this some kinda weird test?"
     I chuckled shortly, "Of course I mean it." I said as I lay a hand on his shoulder, "you risked your life for those two Shanks, you barely even know them. I don't know why you did it, but I'm glad you did. You saved my friends. You saved my brother. Thank you." At this point, Thomas didn't even know how to react. He looked flustered by my words, which made me laugh.
     "Don't let it get to your head, you Shuck-face." With those words, I turned and sat down on the ground in front of the two. Bark almost immediately turned away from Chuck and walked over to me, begging for attention, which I was happy to provide.
     It didn't take long before Newt joined us. Even though our friends were back in the Glade, he still looked as sad and worried as can be. We all knew that was because of Alby. Newt sat down on the ground beside me, Bark greeted him, and Newt started petting her as he talked.
     "I think the worst part's over. The bugger should be sleepin' for a couple of days, then wake up okay. Maybe a little screaming now and then." I met Newt's eyes and shot him a sad smile while he talked. I didn't have the guts to say the worst part wasn't over, that Alby's suffering would just continue in silence. So I stayed quiet. Only Thomas didn't.
     "Newt," he addressed him, trying to sound casual. "What's he going through up there? Seriously, I don't get what this Changing thing is."
     "You think we do?" Newt spat at Thomas as he threw his hands up in frustration before letting them slap down on his knees again. We all got startled by his harsh reaction. "All we bloody know is if the Grievers stings you with their nasty needles, you inject the Grieve Serum or you die." I crimped in while Newt started explaining. It was making me think about getting stung. The fear I felt as I tried to get away, that turned into a blind panic the moment the long, cold needle ripped through my skin. I could feel the spot on my back, it started to tense up; the pain I had felt lingering on my skin. I hoped Newt would stop there, but he didn't.
     "If you get the Serum, then your body wigs out and shakes, and your skin bubbles and turns a freaky green color, and you vomit all over yourself."
     With every word that left Newt's mouth, my body tensed up. My hands tightened around my legs, on which they had been resting. I let my head hang, making my hair fall in front of my face, hiding it from the rest. The memories of my body, acing, and burning came back. It was all fresh on my mind, making me feel a tension in my skin as if my body was remembering the feeling. Nausea came over me. I hadn't even noticed my body had started to shake slightly.
     "Could you shut up?" I whispered. I wanted to sound self-assured, but I couldn't.
     It fell silent for a moment, I felt Newt scooting a little closer and place a hand on my shoulder. I didn't react at all, knowing they knew why I reacted like that. Only apparently, Thomas didn't realize.
     "Hey," he started, "I know it sucks to see your friend go through that, but I just want to know what's really happening up the-"
     I snapped, I didn't want to, I didn't mean to. But I couldn't control myself at the moment. "You really wanne know?" My head shot up, making him look me in the eyes. Mine were hopefully spitting fire mixed with anger, covering up the fear I felt.
     "You wanne know what Alby's going through? Well, let me tell you. It starts with the venom, after you get stung. You can feel it creep through your body, a burning sensation that spreads to every. Single. Limb. Every mussel. You can feel it move through every blood vessel, somehow cold and burning at the same time. And that's just the start." I chuckled joylessly, almost sounding crazy. "Your brain is pounding, making it feel like it's going to explode. Like it'll come bursting through your skull at any moment. Your skin is burning- acing with such an intense pain I can only imagine that's what it would feel like to be skinned alive. And that's just a part of it. You wanne know more, Thomas? Want me to tell you what happens inside your head?" I stopped talking, looking at the brown haired boy in front of me. Newt hadn't removed his hand from my shoulders as I spoke, his grip only tightened around it. Everyone was quiet after my outburst. I never had talked about it, not like that. Sometimes, I would've given some information about what I had seen, but this was the first time I had spoken about what I'd felt this detailed.
     "But why is it called the Changing?" Thomas voice piped up again. It was softer and more careful, but that didn't stop me from growling. I stood up from the ground and walked away. Going as deep into the Deadheads as possible.


Newt's pov

I didn't know it was that bad. No one ever said anything about it, and now Cally just blurted it at us in a fit of anger and frustration. I didn't know how to react. She was so lost in her own words that she hadn't even noticed Ezra walking up to us. It was quiet when she had stopped talking, none of us knew how to respond. The silence got interrupted by Thomas.
     "But why is it called the Changing?" Cally growled as she got up and walked away. I tried to get up to follow her, but Ezra lay his hand on my shoulder.
     "Don't sweat it. I'll go talk her down the tree." And with that, Ezra followed his twin and her dog into the Deadheads.
     "I didn't mean to-" Thomas started, but I didn't let him finish.
     "I know. It's not your fault. A lot of Shanks react like that after they went through the bloody Changin'. It's just hard to talk 'bout. Don't take it personally." I sighed, we had already told him this much, better to just continue. "The Changing brings back memories. Just little snippets, but definitely memories of before we came to this horrible place. Anyone who goes through it acts like a bloody psycho when it's over. It's like being given your old life back, only to have it snatched away again."
     "Are you sure?" Thomas asked, confusing me.
     "What do you mean? Sure about what?"
     "Are they Changed because they want to go back to their old life, or is it because they're so depressed at realizing their old life was no better than what we have now?"
     I couldn't help but think about what the Greenie just had said. It was true that you see memories, Cally herself confirmed it. Partly, at least. I knew she wants to get back to her old life, but then again, she kept saying she's from another universe... I don't believe that, but I also couldn't compare what she said to what others saw.
     "Shanks who've been through it will never really talk about it. They get.... different. Unlikable. There's a handful around the Glade, but I can't stand to be around them." My voice must have been sounding distant, I was staring off into the Deadheads. Thinking about the torture Cally went through and scared for Alby. I knew he would never be the same person again after all of that. It hurt to think about.
     But soon, I got ripped out of my thoughts by Chuck. "Except for Cally."
     I looked questioning at him before I realized what he meant. "Yeah, except Cally." I whispered.
     "W- why hasn't she... you know... turned into Gally." Chuck asked carefully.
     I shrugged, "I don't know. It's not like she didn't react to all of it. She was doin' worse than poor Ben. True, she never tried to bloody kill a shank. But she freaked out bad. Ran into the Maze, tried to throw herself off the Cliff, bashing her head against the walls and floor, screaming bloody murder." My voice became softer as the sentence grew longer.
     "What happened?" Thomas asked, "How's she still here and not on the bottom of the Cliff?"
     "I stopped her before she could," I answered, "I was lucky she passed out when she did, 'cause a little longer and I wouldn't 've been able to hold her."
     "No wonder she exploded," Chuck mumbled. It was the first time he heard the full story as well. "It sounds horrible."
     I nodded, agreeing to Chuck's words. "You two really have been through a lot," Thomas stated. I looked down at my ankle and thought about everything that had happened. Not just between me and Cally, but to everyone in the Glade. Minho, Alby, Thomas, Guz, Ezra, and all the other Shanks that had come up in here. Everyone who got injured, everyone we had lost. What Cally and I had been through was just a small part of it all.
     "We all 've been through a lot, Tommy. It won't get any better 'till we get out." 

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