Chapter 1

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"Angelica! ANGELICA!" Yelled Eliza shaking one of her sister's up, "wha-what?" Angelica finally woke up, "hurry were gonna be late for school!" She said, "right! right..good thing it's Fev, schools almost over." Angelica said remembering that this was the third and finally year of middle school.

Angelica had started to lose of hopes of Thomas ever coming back from London, so she got a boyfriend, that no-one likes, John Church. He was only dating her for her money, and her sister knew, and they knew Angelica would have dumped him, but she din't. Why? He black mailed her to hurting her beloved sisters.

"Everyone in the car!" Yelled Phillip Schyler, "Angelica I need to tell you something!" Peggy told Angelica from the back seat, "yes Peggy?" Angelica asked, "THOMAS IS COMING HOME!" Angelica froze, "t-today?" She asked, "WELL yeah! Aren't you exited?" She asked, "w-well.."

Eliza's P.O.V

Hmm.. that's odd, I thought she be happy, her and Thomas use to be real close back in Kinder.. I thought to myself, "ok everyone, have a nice day!" Said dad, "bye dad!" We said.

I was walking throw the hallways after Peggy and I left Angelica on her locker, me and Peggy saw out crushes, who sadly are dating, John and Alexander. We don't say anything about it, but, it hurt so badly to see them as a couple, it's worst for my poop Peggy, she and John are best friend's, so she's always talking to him, she said all he talks about is Alex, and I can tell that hurt her a lot.

"Bonjour! Mon amis!" Said a cheerful Laffayet, "good morning to you too Laf." I say with a smile, "ahh! Have you heard that Thomas is coming back?" He asked, "well of course!" Said Peggy, "Bonjour, lovely Schyler's" said a voice from behind us, "THOMAS! It's good to have you back!" I say, "I'm happy to be back, now if I may ask, were is the other one?" He asked, "the other one?" I ask, "yes, my lovely bestfriend, my mon ami, the one and only Angelica Schyler.", "THOMAS!" And in a blink of an eye my sister was on the grown hugging the life out of the poor kid, "wow! I missed you too!"

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