Chapter 12

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                       Thomas P.O.V

    Me and Alex had gotten into a fight, Alex came to me, and said that I wassent giving him enoupf love, "but I am!", "well stop talking about Angelica then!"," no she's my best friend!", "you like!", "no I like you!", "prove it!", "ok then! I'll tell Angelica I'll never love her then!", "deal?" He asked me, "deal."


                     Hercules P.O.V

    The gang is breaking down, I for sure know why.

● Angelica started to date James R for Thomas and Alex relationship

●Maria and Madison broke up and don't wanna see each other or talk to one another

●Peggy is suffering cause she loves John but she thinks if she confessed he will reject her, and she has been sad because she want the gang to hang out together again

●Eliza is trying to support Alex in his relationship but she loves him, and he won't return the felling

●Lafayette took a trio to France for a month

●Burr and Theo went to a little trip with Burrs family were he will introduce Theo to them

● I am trying to figure out how to solve this mess were into

●Thomas and Alex are gonna do a bad mistake that will drive everyone to separation for sure

How do I know this? Cause I'm the spy in the inside.

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