Chapter 10

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                      Thomas P.O.V

    Tell me I din't see what I saw. Did James R, James R! Just call Angi a babe, and kissed her cheek when she sat next to him! Oh my GOD!


                  Alexander's P.O.V

    "Ok, all Thomas talks about how worried he is of Angelica, like I know she's your sister, but I also need some love! I want him to think of me too!" Eliza was holding would I was telling her my problems.

    "Well I think you should talk to him about this problem, if he really loved you he will be there for you." She stood up and hugged me, and I hug he d back, then she whispered in my ear, "always." I smile to that, she's right, " thx Lizzy, cya." I say would o leave her house.


                        Eliza's P.O.V

    'Pull it together Eliza. Your strong Eliza. Just breath. Breath Eliza! ELIZA BREATH!' I keep sayingn to myself.

I gave up, I collapse on my bedroom floor, door close. I let all my tear run down endlessly, until they stop. I hate to just be standing here watching Alex fall more on love with Thomas. I'm Alexander's friend I have to be there for him. Always.

I stand up, wippe my tears,  put on a smile, and become the Eliza they all wanna see.





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