Chapter 3

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    Kings P.O.V

    "So you basically want us to play around with a gang that can literally beat the sh*t out of us? By kidnapping them and making them escape a room?" Asked Samuel Seaburry,  "...yes!" I say,  "alright then, Charles you in?" He asked,  "decently enoupf, it will be fun." Lee smirks, "oh he's in." I say.

    Angelica's P.O.V

    I was walking down town with Thomas, Madison, and Burr would we were caching up on stuff and suddenly a black van pulled up and three teenagers with a mask came out, and literally got Madison and Thomas to faint and the one who looked oddly families to me took Burr,  I tried to run away but I was suddenly pulled onto the grown, the last person a saw was Thomas kinda waking up,  "Angi.." and everything went dark.

    Peggy's P.O.V

    Hercules, Lafayette and I were walking our way to the cinema to wach a movie she suddenly a van pulled up, we keep walking until o heard Hurcules fall on the grown, so I turned around and saw three teenagers with masks, Lafayette told me to run, so I did, but I was suddenly was being hold, I started to lose my breath and got dark..

    Johns P.O.V

    I was cleaning the families bakery, when suddenly I heard the the doors open, "sorry it close, come back tomorrow at-" it went dark, the only thing I felt was being thrown on top of a body.

    Alex's P.O.V

    Eliza and I were talking outside the park, it was dark but we don't care, I was talki ng to her about how worried I'm at John, because I'm kinda worried and I know something wrong, I was looking down and all, but then I hear Eliza scream my name, "Ale-" the I heard mumbling and looked up but I suddenly it all went black for me..

    King' s P.O.V

    "Is that everyone?" I ask,  I was looking thrown the window of the room the "gang" was in, ofcouse when they wake up they eont see me, b it a mirror, "let me check." Said Lee.

    "Peggy was with Lafayette and Hercules so check.." said Lee.
    " Angelica was with Thomas,  Madison nd Burr so check." Said Samuel
    " Eliza was with Alex and John was alone.. so we're missing Theodosia and Maria." I say, "well let's go get them, they should be in the ice-cream shop like always." Said Lee.

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