Chapter 8

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Hercules P.O.V

It's a freaking Friday..yay. only two more free days of middle school.. then we come back.

Let's put all that downer a side and talk about Angi. She's been depress lately, ever since Thomas and Alex started to date she's been down, and I wanna win her heart!


Lafayette's P.O.V

okay, I know I'm suppose to be a good ami, but Hercules isn't making smart decisions, I know the guys had a crush on Angelica for a would but right now she's going throw a heartbreak and his trying to get her, like? Give her time bro!

"Peggy.." I say, "yes Laf?" She asked, "i think we need Hercules to stop crushing on Angi..", "Laf..why?", "well.. I kinda want Mon Ami Thomas to be with her.", "ok then.. mission Thomgelica?" She puts a fist out, "on the go." We fist bump, Peggy is like the sister I've always wanted.


Eliza's P.O.V

"Maybe you just have to face it Lizzy, Alex at some point will realise your his real love." Said Maria, " but M, I don't think he will her look at me, I'm only there as his friend, nothing less nothing more.", "oh Lizzy don't think of it like that, just give it time ok." She hugged me.

Maria and I were at a restaurant I was interrupting M and Mads date so I said, "i should leave you two alone, bye." I winked and left, "bye lizzy." Said M and Mads.


That's all for today guys.

I will try and update this everyday of the school years lol it will be more than 10 chapters, but I'll make it short so don't worry.

P.S drama will still go down ;3


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