Chapter 9

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                     Angelica's P.O.V

    It's Monday, the break is over, and ever since Alex and Thomas started to date, two days ago, I haven't felt anything. I look at them kiss in the hallways, outside, gym class, some classes we have together, and I am completely emotionless, oh better worst news today, Maria and Madison broke up, they has a huge fight and all, and even worse I'm dating Reynolds, let me tell you how this happened.


    Thomas and Alex were kissing outside on recess again, of course in secret, were i middle school, not allowed in school grown.

    "Ahh, look who we have here." O turn around and see James R, "James what do you want now." I asked, "well you.", "and why do your think I will agree to dating.. you?" I ask, "simple if you dont will make Thomas and Alex suffer till they break up, basically telling them they have been saying thing behind there backs and all, then rumors.", "and why would that work?", "because he I'll say you are saying the rumors, of course they won't bealive you because I will bring 'witness' so way do you say Schyler?", i turn back to see them still kissing, all the emotion drains, so I turn back to James R, ""

                      Flashback ends

     That how it started, so now you have a broken Angelica, oh here comes Thomas and Alex, about to sit next to me, "Hey Ang-", "Angi! Come sir with me babe!" Yelled James R from across the room, I don't look at Thomas or Alex, I just grab my stuff and go. I wanna cry. I fell like I'm gonna cry. But tears won't come out. I'm emotionless. Remember.

No more


No more...


Help me. Please.

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