Chapter 2

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    Peggy's P.O.V

    Honestly I'm happy Thomas and Angelica are having a good time, but right now I'm dealing with my best friend John. He just had a huge fight with Alexander because Alex was flirting with Lizzy.

    "John calm down, Eliza knows you guys are dating chill, sheesh!" I said, "it's not that Peggy! It's that his always doing it! I think he's starting to like that Eliza, honestly what douse he even see in her!? Shes so-so.. Ugly!" Wow! Ain't no body gonna be like that yo my sis! "Wow! John were talking about my-", "and OMG her sisters! There's so ugly too! Like Angelica isn't string enoupf to break up with Church! And Peggy had never gotten a Bf in her life because people think she's to fa-" he just realized who he was talking to.. "Say John."

    "Pegs I'm so sorr-", "no you aren't! Have you always thought about us that way! Angelica not bring Stein enoupf, Eliza bring ugly! And me! I'm your freaking best friend here!", "I don't mean-", "save it for someday else! We're over! I don't want to talk to you John!" I grab my stuff and leave Starbucks to drive to my favorite place, the beach.

    Alexander's P.O.V

    I need to apologise to John about school, son I pick up my phone and call. "Alex?", "Hey Babe.. look I'm sorry about school.. it won't happen again. I don't even like Eliza like that! She's just a friend.", " just a forgiven babe. Cya after winter break.", " cya." And I hang up.. somethings wrong.

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