Chapter 13

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    "Angelica! ANGELICA!" Screamed both Peggy and Eliza would going up the stairs, they found Angelica looking at them concerned, Angelica no long was sad, "what's wrong?"

    "Charles Lee posted something saying you like Thomas, everyone in the school must have seen it." Her eyes widen, then she smirked, "well I suppose I will tell Thomas is true, what else is there to lose?"


    Angelica had called Thomas to the park to meet her and clarify things with him, she knew Alex and him were daring but she need to get this off her back, "Angelica?"

She turned around, "Hey Thomas-", "is it true.. that you like me?" She tensed up, "y-yes.", "Angelica what in the world!? You know I'm dating Alex! And I love him very much! Jesus, your dating James R!", "yeah but-", "NO! Your acting like Maria before she became our friend again! Your acting like a-", "Thomas dont!" She warned him, "whore, your know what? I never even liked you! Your always in the 'I will never be satesfied' state!" That hurt her, "it's not so hard to find someone to love! Or is it!? Huh? I found the one and only person I will ever love, and it's not you" he turned and left.

That cut her deep. she just heard silence, then rain started to come, she felt all the raindrops fall on her, it's Saturday, she won't care if she got sick, it was cold out anyways.

Everyone had left the park she was in, it was just her, she looked at a couple leaving the park. She wished she had someone to really love.

Her so called 'best friend' just said she was acting like a lot whore, he said he will never love her, he said she wassent his one and only love, he said she was never satesfied.

So she finally took it all in, she let her shield down, broke down onto sobs in the rain, she sat on a balcony, and cried and cried and cried.

All he said was true, for her.

One hour, two hours, three hours. The rain didn't  stop, so she stood up all soking wet, walked home, with a cold.

    Ignoring The concerned looks from her sisters and father's face she went upstairs and locked herself in.

She looked up at the pictures of her and Thomas, by just seeing his face rage came, she smashed everything in her room, and cried next to a picture frame she broke of her and Thomas smiling in kinder.

She wiped her tears and posted this.

Angelica Schyler:

You say I'm acting like a whore.
I'll act like one if that's what you want.

You said you never liked me.
What happens to our promise of love back then?

You said is I'll never be your one and only.
But I want you to be mine.

You say I'm always in the 'I will never be satesfied' state.
Your right, im a Broke Person Trying to live, and I'm being very selfless, I'm loving the ones I'm not suppose to.
Sacrificing my happiness for others isn't fun

But if you want me our for your life
I'll leave! Just say it, and I'm out.

But just one last thing

Don't miss me.

You cut me too deep this time. Thomas.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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