Chapter 7

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Johns P.O.V

It's over.. I lost him.. I thought to myself. I had been locking at Alex's Instagram, they were no longer filled with me and him, but Thomas and Alex.

I haven't gone out of the house ever since, well it's only Thurdsday of the winter recess, great, I have to leave the house yo school afters this. Will things ever get better?

I recently got Peggy to talk to me again, Eliza and Peggy have been coming here for sometime, and Peggy is coming over today, in fact she should be getting here by now- "Hey John!" She said kinda joyful.

"I got you a treat!" She said, "oh thx. So what's up?" I ask, "well.. Angelica." Oh no, "she's been getting-", "depress because of Thomas and Alex?" She nooded, "Poor Angelica." I say. After words we start to wach a movie in the room.


Thomas P.O.V

I've been do happy ever since Alex came into my life! He is pretty competitive and hid in my level like Angelica. Talking about Angelica I haven't seen her today, she usually out all the time. I should give her a call.

"Hey Angeli-"
"Oh hi Thomas! It's Eliza, I'm sorry but Angelica hasn't been felling good lately so she dousent want anyone to call her right now, or talk to her."
"Oh! I-i hope she feels well."
"Alright bye!"

Eliza hanged up. Somethings wrong with Angi, and I'm gonna find out.


As you may have notice I live in New York ok, sheesh.

Right now we have a winter recess and it's almost over so since the story of Hamilton was basically I guess in New York..

I decided to place the characters in a school in New York. So the story will basically be in the same timeline as mine to.. so yeah..


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