Chapter 4

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    No one's P.O.V

    Grunts were heard in the little room, "owwww~" Peggy whinned would touching her head and but she couldn't stand up, something or someone was on top of her so she opened her eyes to be met with Johns eyes, she only rolled him off herself and stood up not wantening to say anything to him.

    "W-were in the world are we?" Asked Angelica, "umm..i don't know.." said Thomas, "Hey look guys, a note." Said Hercules, "what douse it say?" Said Laf, "it says.. oh great.." says Hercule after a minute, "whats?" Asked John after getting up, "oh give me that Herc!" Said Alex snatching the paper from his hand.

    "Dear Pesents,-" everyone except the Schyler said, "King did it.", "i was reading!" Said Alex, "as you can see I have trapped you in a room, there are ten rooms you must find and saved the river girls; Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, Theodosia, and Maria. They will be in one of the room.
                                      -your only, King~"

    "But the Schyler were just-", started Thomas, "were did they go?" Asked Madison, "well time to get are girls!" Said Burr, "our girls?" Asked Alex, "yeah Angelica is Thomas girl, Theo is mine, Johns girl is Peggy's and Maria is-", "MY BABE!" Madison had started  to panicked, "ok were finding the girl!" Said Alex with no comment, "and Eliza and I ardent dating.", "soon you'll be." Said Madison in a whisper.


    Angelica woke up again, but tied up in a pink closet, in front of her was the number two, she could hear the boys mumbling in the other room she thought she just was, and all she thought was, how in the name of Jesus did I get from there to here? Oh wait.. ok.


    Eliza woke up in a blue room, under a bed, intron of a blue closet she saw the number five, wow thx a lot universe, whoever did this will get there as-


    Peggy woke up in a strange tiny place, it felt like a vent on the ceiling, wow I'm loving this me please..


    Maria woke up in a bed, she looked at the room number being nine, oh dear..


     Theodosia was tapped to the wall.. in the finale room, I swear if this is Aarons way to make out with me im not having none of that sh-


    Alex and the guys some how found the key to the next room inside a closet, and entered room two, finally they got here.. thought Angelica.

    "Hey guys this room is Angis fav color." Said Thomas, "you got that right, she might be in here." Said Hercules, awww my best friend and brother like figure are acting nice thought Angelica.

    "Guys i found a note!" Said Alex, "read it!" Said Laf, "ok it says, pink like a flower, an Angel's favorite color, of a key was found before then it may symbol something? Ok that's Less horibble hint.", "well it clarifies that Angis In here.. but what douse the previous key spot have to do with it?" Asked Burr, "maybe she is.. in the closet?" Said John, T homad opens the closet to see Angelica tied up, he untied her, "thank you."

    "Ang, there's a note on your butt." Said Thomas taking it, which made Angelica red, "r-read it.", " ok, you found and Angel, now you must find a cinnamon."

    "So Eliza, she's a cute cinnamon rool." Said Alex, "...yeah." Alex became pink at what he said, "alright then, here's the key, I woke up with it." Said Angelica handing the key in, "thx."

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