Jason's POV
"Luke!" I shout as he slips and falls.
An idiot. He's an absolute idiot. Like, what was he thinking, he'd seen the caution signs and even had a little giggle at them. Maybe that should've alerted me on what was to come.
Be seeing as it didn't, what I am seeing is my precious on his bottom sliding down to the bottom of a bowling lane. All because he couldn't keep himself in line, and behind the line, so he ended up slipping and slowly making his way to doom.
It's like toy story 3 all over again, except this time it's a black and white film, dramatic music playing in the background as the main character dies in slow motion. Great.
I guess I better do something. Or do I.
Yeah I do I'm not Luke who would leave me or film me depending on how he was feeling.
So I shout for some assistance, and no one comes. Just my luck that all the staff have disappeared.
I look back to see him stood up and walking back towards me. Although is it really walking if he is simply dragging his feet as if he was ice skating...
"You ok there J?"
"Am I ok? Are you ok? You just fell down a bowling lane!" I almost yell.
"Did I fall, or did I let go?" He says with a grin.
"Now is not the time for musical references idiot!"
"I think this is the perfect time, for I am the winner here."
"I think you'll find that your not."
He looks up at the board above us and sees that I've won by a single point.
"Yeah ok so imma go back and fall to my doom again now," he says, his tone laced with despair.
March Mayhem
Casuale31 day fluff challenge with my two best boys :) (Drabble spin-off for Rapid Escalation) Cover by @anaturalintrovert