Giving it a Chance

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Shourya's POV:

I was shocked when our parents revealed their plan to get me and Disha married. Since stupid Disha already agreed to her parent's choice before even knowing who it is like an obedient child, everyone was now looking at me in desperation to hear a yes from me.

I thought for a while about how I can come out of this situation.

"Can I talk to Disha for a while like Dad advised?"

Disha's Mom: "Sure beta, you guys can go to her room, go to the garden or a drive as your Dad suggested."

I looked at Disha after getting approval from her Mom. She was still looking at me shocked but then came back to reality and followed me out the door.

I got in the driver seat of my car and waited for her to get in the passenger seat next to me but after 5 minutes she still didn't get in. I got down and looked at her. She was lost in some thoughts I could tell by looking at the way she was just staring at the door of my car to the passenger seat.

"Disha," I called her and she came back to reality.

"Let's go, I know you are in shock too, let's talk and see what we can do," I told her and directed her to sit inside the car.

I wasn't sure about what I wanted, on one hand, I was rebellious about my parent's decision that they didn't ask for my thoughts before declaring it and on the other hand, I kept thinking about how I always wanted Disha to be by my side but due to my stupid male ego and teenage brains, I pushed her away from me by hurting her again and again with my words and pranks.

"Disha, we need to talk. What are you thinking? Do you want this? I know I have always been a jerk and you probably don't want this and must be feeling trapped since you already committed. You can tell me if you don't want this. I can reject this for you."

"Would you do that for me?"

Disha's question was like a dagger to me, does she hate me so much that she wants me to reject it outright and doesn't even want to think of giving it a try? I thought to myself.

"Of course I would. No matter how much of a jerk I have acted in the past few years I have always seen you as my friend. That is why your opinion matters."

"Friend? But you were always mean to me?"

"I know and that is why I am calling myself a jerk. I never stopped thinking of you as a Friend Disha. I know while trying to act like a stud at school I and Rohan have hurt you and Rhea countless times and when we realized we never had the courage to apologize so we let our friendship continue in form of little comments, teasing and pranks."

" But why you never told me or Rhea about this?"

"AS I said we felt shameful for being the jerks back then."

"Got it."


"So What?"

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know I have already committed to my parents. It would feel like cheating them if I ask you to reject on my behalf. I would leave this on you now, it is not like we are that close so you can politely reject if you want."

"I want to know what you want in your heart? Please forget about your commitment and share your thoughts about it Disha. It's not a year or two we are talking about."

"I don't know what I feel Shourya. I always thought even if I will do arranged marriage at least I will be asked about my choice before they declare their decision. I feel sad about it. It's not that I hate you completely, after all, we were good friends at some point but now the situation is different, we are not even proper friends, marriage is something really big. If we were friends then I might have been okay with it. It is better to marry a friend than a complete stranger."

Shourya: " Do you mind if I request you to give this a try and our long lost friendship too? Let's try to be friends with this newfound relation of fiancés and who knows maybe we end up being friends for life and a great couple? I don't know the future but somehow I felt what mom said what right. There has always been an unsaid relation between us which made us do all those silly things all those years. Disha I know I am not a perfect guy but I am not too bad either. Please let's give our friendship another chance. "

Disha: "Ummm I guess we can do that, even if we don't fall in love at least we won't be married to strangers." She smiled.

"True. And I promise I will try not to act like a jerk as I did in the past." I said.

Disha: " Heehehhe you better not, else I will rip your heart out and eat it raw." She giggled after joking.

She looked very cute while giggling like a small girl.

"But I have one condition Shourya, our pranks should not stop but yes we should be considerate enough to not hurt the other. I don't want a boring marriage like other couples with arranged Marriage." Disha said and I laughed nodding in agreement.

We reached Disha's home soon and told everyone that we are willing to accept their decision.

They all congratulated us except Nikhil, I could see he wasn't happy with this decision. I made a mental note to talk to him later and sort things out.

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